Politicians of Brazil
Poor Brazil.
My sadness is with the right wing of Sarney, Francelino Pereira, Ulysses, Collor, Maluf, all the governors of Rio de Janeiro in the last 20 years; Amazonino; Antonio Carlos Magalhães; Orestes Quércia; João Doria; Maria Marin; Waldir Pires; Juracy Magalhães; Marconi Perilo; Maguito Vilela; Iris Resende; Henrique Santilo; Gilberto Mestrinho; Omar Aziz; Sizeno Sarmento; Roberto Magalhães; Gustavo Krause; Nilo Coelho; Cid Sampaio; Aécio Neves; Newton Cardoso; Eduardo Azeredo; Hélio Garcia; Rernan Calheiros; Jáder Barbalho; Ciro Nogueira; Cid Gomes; Eduardo Braga; José Agripino; Jarbas Passarinho; Álvaro Dias; Marco Maciel; Humberto Lucena; Romero Jucá; When I remember the old right wing in power, it was all about stealing, that's why the PT was born and grew so quickly in the 1980s, with the promise of sweeping away corruption with the message that everyone was incorruptible, and it was true, the shame of the right wing that wasn't even ashamed to ignore the poor, then the left wing started to take care of the workers and then it started stealing: that's what happened.
Neither right wing nor left wing, nor extreme center, as the former governor of Minas Gerais used to say: "let's make the revolution before the people make it" (Antônio Carlos); the other, also from Minas Gerais, the Baron of Itararé, whose interesting ideas about politics I don't dare to say, because he put a lot of folklore into his speech. Itararé is from the same lineage as Millor Fernandes and Nelson Rodrigues.
As for Gramsci's process of disputing his position and opinion, I know how it ends: it goes to Cuba and North Korea, unfortunately they are desperate to get out of the communist indoctrination of 80 years, when the Berlin Wall fell they ran to drink Coca-Cola and eat McDonalds, wear jeans, and enjoy rock and disco. Everything was new in the 90s, any band of the devil's capitalism declared during 70 years of communist indoctrination against Coca-Cola ended and succumbed with a week of capitalism and crushed and evaporated Karl Marx completely in a week.
There is no point in either the right or the left, we need a direction, a program like the one in the Geisel government, the most progressive, created the tripartite model: (State + national private capital + foreign capital); Médici built hydroelectric dams, but made mistakes with the Trans-Amazonian highway; Getúlio Vargas created Petrobras, Vale do Rio Doce and Volta Redonda, built refineries; and Figueiredo didn't like to work, he was a scoundrel; so we need a male goat from the left, right or center: as long as he works.
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