domingo, 26 de maio de 2024

The day grandpa wanted to deceive Brazil

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist

The day grandpa wanted to deceive Brazil

The day that grandpa wanted to trick the cracker from São Paulo and the scoundrel from the hills. They think they can play with the most dangerous kids in South America. A very dangerous game. Force Brazil to be the carpet or the back yard of the house. USA never gives up on Brazil.
Brazil is not Germany where they humiliatedly took over all 120 air bases since the Second World War, in Japan where they took over 119 military air bases that cost more than 600 boats damaged and sunk by Kamikazes and more than 500 thousand soldiers buried there since the second world war.
Not even in Vietnam where more than 1.5 million soldiers and Marines, more than 11,000 aircraft lost did not double the stunted and malnourished men.
Here in Brazil you will feel the fishmongers of the Northeastern people on their necks, the Manauaras fishing for marines, and the Brazilian rebels playing with their square Germanic-Anglicist regulations and norms.
Don't even think about coming here to tame the Brazilians, we're going to make you lazy, indolent, relaxed and we're going to destroy your civilization values in twenty years just through contagion.
So give up trying to tame Brazil, forcing the disarmament (de)equipment of the armed forces, causing Russia and China to move away, trying to steal minerals at a bargain price, surrounding and co-opting corrupt politicians because they will rob you and they will never deliver the purchased product.
Our politicians are untrustworthy, worse than old prostitutes, the people are selfish and don't care who is friend or enemy, they just want to live and sing, dance and steal everything they can steal, Brazilians are a religious atheist, a naughty conservative, a hard worker vague, hates laws and authority. Not even the Devil could handle a Brazilian for a week. Leave while we haven't corrupted you yet.
Our weapon of mass destruction is our social (dis)organization. It is contagious and contaminates for the long term, if you doubt it then come. You saw our soldiers in the Second World War conquering the Italian population in Monte Castelo and stealing their tanks and deceiving the Nazis. Tenderness, cruelty and violence mixed with cynicism and sympathy that you with your Anglo-German minds will never understand.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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