domingo, 26 de maio de 2024

The world or humanity will never be fair.

The world or humanity will never be fair. 

Emerson Fittipaldi won the first two Formula One titles for Brazil; won the first two Indy Indianapolis titles, won the first Indy championship for Brazil and built the first and only Brazilian Formula One team. And who do they celebrate? Ayrton Senna da Silva. Why?

One could use the useless scoring and prize criteria after the end of the championship of each Formula One season. But it's worthless.
Even the Argentine driver Manuel Fangio, who raced in cars that did the same three hundred kilometers per hour in 1955 as Mc Laren de Sena in 1985, with the difference that he didn't have a helmet, hydraulic disc brakes, spoilers or wide tires, his tires were technology-free rubber the width of a motorcycle tire, 

Fangio won the Formula One championship five times, Prost won it four times defeating Sena, Schumacher won seven times defeating Sena, yet unanimously, by the law of narrative, Sena was elected the greatest of all.

There is no point arguing with the narrative, even though socialism and communism are defeated by history, they continue to be defended as superior to capitalism; Thus, humanity after 2500 years of Erastosthenes discovered the sphericity of the earth, millions of people defend the flatness of the earth on international Internet networks; as if it were a bit of idiocy, they decide that the genitals do not define the sex of a human being, tomorrow they will be transgender animals too; So the hero of democracy who doesn't like contesting elections is the dictator Zelensky who eliminated all the television channels that opposed them, eliminated the opposition politicians in Ukraine and nothing was said by the Otanian West in protest;

We have to live with nonsense like secular lies like the monotheism of three gods God-Jesus-Holy Spirit; They don't know how to count 1+ 1 + 1 there are three gods plus the Virgin Mary, the Holy Trinity, so there are four that make up the trinity.

The list of personalist oddities is endless: there is the genius Elon Musk who didn't invent anything, he didn't invent the electric car, he didn't invent the autonomous car, which is a project of the US armed forces; the bet on miraculous cures for CV19 that did not cause a pandemic in Africa as Africans do not die from poisonous snake bites or hyena bites as they have a high resistance to multi-immunity.

MC Laren does not even recognize its champion Emerson nor does Ferrari, which had the first victory of a Brazilian driver Chico Landi when Ferrari was unknown to the whole world.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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