quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2022

Nelson Piquet, the favorite of the nutelas and the mi mi mi bubble

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist
Nelson Piquet, the favorite of the nutelas and the mi mi mi bubble
Very sad that: the non-white guy, who wears a non-white hairstyle, who goes to a non-white hair salon, and who wears non-white fashion and style, and has friends from the non-white-music world, neither if you want, you can be called little black, who wears a black hair style (known as black style), goes to the black salon (black) to make a black dread (black), who enjoys black music (black), and can't even be called black man (black man); I imagine the UN applauds the black fashion and style initiatives; the hair salon can be called an afro salon or black salon, but a white is not well regarded if he creates a white fashion, like Ambercrombie that was sued because in the owner's mind it was a white fashion for whites without ever having pronounced this one phrase.
So let's live in this bubble of hypocrites; Long live the nutelas, because I'm black, black, black, black man.

Don't worry, friendship, I was born in a world where capoeira was forbidden and the police closed capoeira circles, and samba was a negative and forbidden thing, the circle was closed by the police and samba dancers were arrested for vagrancy, feijoada was pigs' food , dirty black thing; today capoeira and samba is in the curriculum of schools, it is no longer a misdemeanor, and soon it will be mandatory just like being homoaffective, from misdemeanor it becomes tolerated, from tolerated it becomes allowed, from allowed it becomes encouraged, then it becomes to be mandatory to be cool, nice, up to date, funky, modern, chic

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