quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2024

The Age of Uncertainty

The Age of Uncertainty

This is the title of the most important book of the IT era and the following failed era: that of globalization, this globalization and neoliberalism, whose book prefaced by the no less famous Fernando Henrique Cardoso, authored by the no less famous French writer Wallerstein, this failure was the last gasp of bankrupt Europe since the end of Feudalism as Europe jumps from one survival crisis to another.

What crisis are we talking about?

The end of Feudalism created the illusion that Europe was in an age of enlightenment, dubbed the Enlightenment, the age of reason, which was resolved by the desperate search for land in the unknown southern hemisphere, then the crusades through Turkey via the Silk Road left to be an adventure started by Marco Polo, and with the circumnavigation of Africa new peoples were discovered for Europe to defile, plunder, extort, explore, and Vasco da Gama, Américo Vespúcio, Fernão de Magalhães, Bartolomeu Duarte, Vincente Pinzon, Duarte Pacheco, Pedro Álvares Cabral, and many others who devastated and unlocked new sources of wealth and new lands for the settlement of millions of people, exhausting the mineral and natural resources of forests, land exhausted for agriculture and pastures, minerals, water sources, employment , lands for occupation, religious crises, excess population, then the new world relieved the survival of those who remained in old Europe for five centuries.

North America, Central America, South America and sub-Saharan Africa expanded, relieving the European population that became rich with gold from the Americas, Australia, ores from Africa, new sources of food such as potatoes taken from the Americas for Europe, tobacco, chocolate, wood, coffee, sugar, precious stones, meat, tropical fruits such as the famous banana, orange, pineapple, substantially improving the European diet.

After the exploited colony phase, the metropolis had to adapt to trade instead of plunder and colonization, it faced moments of independence and the creation of new states and still tries to carry out predatory asymmetric trade to this day through phytosanitary barriers, democracy certifications , extinction of slave labor, environmental sustainability, equal treatment of gender, abolition of child labor, no burning and devastation of forests, condemnation of unhealthy foods such as salt, sugar, even the sun on tropical skin, everything that can be used to belittle and disqualify products from poor and underdeveloped southern Ecuador.

Then the crises return as after the break with Feudalism and after the end of the era of colonization, and the two great wars, and the ideological crises between communism and capitalism, between Christianity, atheism and Islam, between East and West, between environmental preservationists and Amazonian forest countries, everything is a pretext for Europe to acquire new alternative means of subsistence on its poor and depleted soils, scarce mineral resources and sources of drinking water.

New wars this time aimed at extorting new riches from the age of industry and technology, such as atomic minerals, third generation industrials such as copper, aluminum, titanium, vanadium, rare earths, graphene, niobium, petroleum, all abundant outside Europe.

The new and still old solution is war, war, for oil riches in the Middle East, Asia and the Caribbean.

Thus, we arrive at the era of the USA, which has almost all minerals but has developed the same problems of opulence among its population that Europe has experienced since the first millennium, so North America leads world development based on its mineral riches, however It quickly finds itself exhausted, as happened in Europe, and the wars for world hegemony to plunder wealth end with victory in the Second World War, only to soon begin another battle for the sources of wealth and raw materials around the world in the so-called Cold War.

Some US politicians realized the trap, but were overcome by the current of spenders and wealthy billionaires in America, so they allowed the military industrial complex to be the driving force behind the economy and prosperity, which allowed increasing wealth and guaranteeing the source of supplies of inputs, at the time of John Kennedy's government, then Galbraith's famous book “The Age of Uncertainty” appears.

The alternative to replacing the waste and strength of the military complex's industrial structure would be to create a new type of enterprise that would replace it without the negative synesthesia of the military industry that requires permanent wars.

So the alternative would be the space race to conquer the moon. The plan seemed to be going well with spending on NASA, which had 400,000 direct employees, and mobilized the same companies as in the war.

With the joint construction of the ISS international space station, it seemed like the problem was solved Keynesian of circular public spending, but unfortunately the economic group that was left out of the space race bonus took care to remove its main creator, US President Richard Nixon, deposed for a poorly explained reason that was unimportant for the elections, an alleged case of espionage of the opponent's electoral committee at the Watergate hotel, that many people like me never understood that whatever the competitor's campaign information was does not define the elections, elementary, any member could be co-opted to sell information from the opponent's campaign that is not so secret and deterministic methods to win an election.

Having removed the two responsible for the US space program, Kennedy and Nixon, one Democrat, murdered, and the other Republican, resigned, both for very unpalatable and strictly irrational reasons, we return to the old cold war and hot wars, in Vietnam, in Korea , in Iraq, everywhere as the military-industrial complex prefers, and now drowning in the war in Ukraine, by proxy, to maintain the ecology of Keynesian spending in the economy, this time to the detriment of the economy of Europe, Japan and favorable to the countries of Middle East, Russia, Asia that expelled from the dollar standard experience new freedoms free from environmentalist reprisals, artificial democratic standards, rigor in the control of human rights goals, and many other purely artificial demands and barriers, such as non-proliferation of energy use and study atomic bombs, missiles, rockets, submarines, everything that could threaten the power and control of the hegemony of the owners of humanity after European colonialism.

Never again has Europe achieved a definitive solution to the crises of aging and resource depletion, overpopulation.

The solution sought among alternatives for a new reset, a new migration to empty spaces in Africa and the Americas.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

A Era da Incerteza

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

A Era da Incerteza

Este o título do livro mais importante da era da Informática e da era fracassada seguinte: a da globalização, esta globalização e neoliberalismo, cujo livro prefaciado pelo não pouco afamado Fernando Henrique Cardoso, de autoria de não menos famoso escritor francês Wallerstein, esse fracasso foi o último suspiro da falida Europa desde o fim do Feudalismo quando a Europa pula de uma crise de sobrevivência para outra.

De que crise estamos falando?

O fim do Feudalismo fez a ilusão de que a Europa estava em uma era das luzes, apelidada de Iluminismo, a era da razão, que se resolveu pela desesperada busca de terras no hemisfério sul desconhecido, então as cruzadas pela Turquia pela via da seda deixou de ser uma aventura iniciada por Marco Polo, e com a circunavegação da África descobriu-se novos povos para a Europa conspurcar, pilhar, extorquir, explorar, e Vasco da Gama, Américo Vespúcio, Fernão de Magalhães, Bartolomeu Duarte, Vincente Pinzon, Duarte Pacheco, Pedro Álvares Cabral, e tantos outros que devastaram e destravaram novas fontes de riquezas e novas terras para assentamento de milhões de pessoas esgotados os recursos minerais e naturais das florestas, terras esgotadas para a agricultura e pastagens, minerais, fontes de água, emprego, terras para ocupação, crises religiosas, excesso de população, então o novo mundo aliviou durante cinco séculos a sobrevivência dos que ficaram residindo na velha Europa.

Expandiu-se a América do Norte, a América Central, a América do Sul, a África subsaariana, aliviando a população europeia que enriqueceu com o ouro das Américas, da Austrália, dos minérios da África, novas fontes de alimentos como batata levada das Américas para a Europa, o fumo, o chocolate, madeiras, café, açúcar, pedras preciosas, carne, frutas tropicais como a famosa banana, laranja, abacaxi, melhorando a dieta substancialmente do europeu.

Passada a fase de colônia explorada a metrópole teve que se adaptar a fazer comércio ao invés de pilhagem e colonização, enfrentou os momentos de independência e criação de novos estados e ainda tenta fazer até hoje um comércio assimétrico predatório através de barreiras fitossanitárias, certificações de democracia, extinção de trabalho escravo, sustentabilidade ambiental, igualdade de tratamento de gênero, abolição de trabalho infantil, sem queimadas e devastação de florestas, condenação alimentos não saudáveis como o sal, açúcar, até o sol incidente na pele tropical, tudo que pode ser usada para desmerecer e desqualificar os produtos do sul equador pobre e subdesenvolvido.

Então voltam as crises como de depois da ruptura com o Feudalismo e pós o fim da era da colonização, e as duas grandes guerras, e as crises ideológicas entre comunismo e capitalismo, entre cristianismo ateísmo e islamismo, entre oriente e ocidente, entre preservacionistas ambientalistas e países florestais amazônicos, tudo é pretexto para a Europa adquirir novos meios alternativos de subsistência em seus solos pobres e esgotados, exíguos recursos minerais e fontes de água potável.

Novas guerras desta vez voltadas para extorquir novas riquezas da era da indústria e da tecnologia, como minerais atômicos, industriais de terceira geração como o cobre, alumínio, titânio, vanádio, terras raras, grafeno, nióbio, petróleo, todos abundantes fora da Europa.

A nova solução ainda velha é a guerra, guerra, pelas riquezas petrolíferas no Oriente Médio, na Ásia e no Caribe.

Assim, chegamos a era dos EUA que dispõe de quase todos os minerais mas que desenvolveu os mesmos problemas de opulência de sua população que a Europa vive desde o primeiro milênio, então a América do Norte lidera o desenvolvimento mundial a partir de suas riquezas minerais porém rapidamente se vê esgotada como aconteceu na Europa, e as guerras pela hegemonia do mundo para pilhar as riquezas acabam com a vitória na segunda guerra mundial, para logo começarem outra batalha pelas fontes de riquezas e matérias-primas pelo mundo na chamada guerra fria.

Alguns políticos dos USA perceberam a armadilha, mas foram vencidos pela corrente dos gastadores e abastados bilionários da América, então permitiram que o complexo industrial militar fosse a forma motora da economia e da prosperidade, que permitia aumentar a riqueza e garantir a fonte de suprimentos de insumos, na época do governo de John Kennedy, então surge o livro famoso de Galbraith “A Era a Incerteza”.

A alternativa para a substituição da gastança e da pujança da estrutura da indústria do complexo militar seria criar um novo tipo de empreendimento que a substituísse sem as sinestesias negativas da indústria militar que exige guerras permanentes.

Então a alternativa seria a corrida espacial para a conquista da lua. O plano parecia estar indo bem com os gastos na NASA que chegou a ter 400 mil funcionários diretos, e mobilizava as mesmas empresas da guerra.

Com a construção conjunta da ISS estação espacial internacional parecia que estava resolvido o problema Keynesiano dos gastos públicos circulares, mas infelizmente o grupo econômico que ficou de fora do bônus da corrida espacial cuidou de afastar seu principal idealizador, o presidente dos EUA Richard Nixon, deposto por um mal explicado motivo sem importância para as eleições um suposto caso de espionagem do comitê eleitoral do adversário no hotel Watergate, que muita gente como eu nunca entendeu que qualquer que fossem as informações de campanha do concorrente não definem as eleições, elementar, qualquer membro poderia ser cooptado para vender informações de campanha adversária que não são tão secretas e deterministas para se vencer uma eleição.

Afastados os dois responsáveis pelo programa espacial dos EUA, Kennedy e Nixon, um democrata, assassinado, e outro republicano, renunciante, ambos por motivos muito mal palatáveis e rigorosamente irracionais, voltamos para a velha guerra fria e guerras quentes, no Vietnã, na Coreia, no Iraque, em toda a parte como prefere o complexo militar industrial, e agora afogados na guerra da Ucrânia, por procuração, para manter a ecologia dos gastos keynesianos na economia desta vez em prejuízo da economia da Europa, Japão e favorável aos países do Oriente Médio, Rússia, Ásia que expulsos do padrão dólar experimentam novas liberdades livres de represálias ambientalistas, padrões democráticos artificiais, rigor no controle das metas de direitos humanos, e tantas outras exigências e barreiras meramente artificiais, como não proliferação de utilização e estudo de energia atômica, mísseis, foguetes, submarinos, tudo que possa ameaçar o poder e o controle da hegemonia dos donos da humanidade pós colonialismo europeu.

Nunca mais a Europa conseguiu uma solução definitiva para as crises de envelhecimento e esgotamento de recursos, superpopulação.

A solução buscada entre alternativas de um novo reset, uma nova migração para espaços vazios na África e nas Américas.

quinta-feira, 11 de julho de 2024

Agenda dell'Apocalisse

Agenda dell'Apocalisse

Notizie false. Cancellazione sui social. Discorso allineato. Unica verità. Intolleranza alla correttezza politica. Mandelismo. Cose che nessuno ha mai visto o che sono fantasie e utopie dell'umanità.

1 - Area 51.
2 – Pandemia.
3 - Messa a terra piatta.
4 – Warmingismo, fanculo l’Entropia.
5 - Femminismi selvaggi e discrezionali.
5 - Identitarismo.
8 - Transfobia.
9 - Mentalità x conoscenza tecnico-scientifica.
10 - Nazismo
12 - Veganismo
12- Marijuana
13 - Urinoterapia
14 - Fiori
15 - Vegetarianismo
16 - La vita dopo la morte, non c'è più morte
17 - Comunismo e Socialismo
18 - libero mercato
19 - democrazia
30 - giustizia
21 - Criptovaluta
21 - Giorno della Vittoria in Normandia
23 - Lussuria femminile
24 - Resurrezione
25 - Extraterrestre o ET
24 - Disco volante
27 - Sirene
28 - La leggenda del Big BangRoberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político



Nu går vi.
Fakenews. Avbokning på sociala medier. Justerat tal. Enskild sanning. Intolerans mot politisk korrekthet. Mandelism. Saker som ingen någonsin sett eller är fantasier och utopier om mänskligheten.

1 - Område 51.
2 - Pandemi.
3 - Platt jordning.
4 - Warmingism, fan Entropi.
5 - Vilda diskretionära feminismer.
5 - Identitarism.
8 - Transfobi.
9 - Mindset x teknisk-vetenskaplig kunskap.
10 - Nazism
12 - Veganism
12 - Marijuana
13 - Urinbehandling
14 - Blommor
15 - Vegetarianism
16 - Livet efter döden, det finns ingen död längre
17 - Kommunism och socialism
18 - fri marknad
19 - demokrati
30 - rättvisa
21 - Kryptovaluta
21 - Segerdagen i Normandie
23 - Kvinnlig lust
24 - Uppståndelse
25 - Utomjordisk eller ET
24 - Flygande tefat
27 - Sjöjungfrur
28 - Big Bang-legend

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

Agenda del Apocalipsis

Agenda del Apocalipsis

Vamos allá.
Noticias falsas. Cancelación en redes sociales. Discurso alineado. Verdad única. Intolerancia a la corrección política. Mandelismo. Cosas que nadie ha visto jamás o son fantasías y utopías de la humanidad.

1 - Área 51.
2 - Pandemia.
3 - Puesta a tierra plana.
4 - Warmingismo, al diablo con la entropía.
5 - Feminismos discrecionales salvajes.
5 - Identitarismo.
8 - Transfobia.
9- Mentalidad x conocimiento técnico-científico.
10 - nazismo
12 - Veganismo
12 - Marihuana
13 - Terapia de orina
14 - Florales
15 - Vegetarianismo
16 - Vida después de la muerte, ya no hay muerte
17 - Comunismo y Socialismo
18 - mercado libre
19 - democracia
30 - justicia
21 - Criptomoneda
21 - Día de la Victoria en Normandía
23 - Lujuria femenina
24 - Resurrección
25 - Extraterrestre o ET
24 - Platillo volador
27 - Sirenas
28 - Leyenda del Big Bang

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

Ordre du jour de l'Apocalypse

Ordre du jour de l'Apocalypse

Fausses nouvelles. Annulation sur les réseaux sociaux. Discours aligné. Seule vérité. Intolérance du politiquement correct. Mandélisme. Des choses que personne n’a jamais vues ou qui sont des fantasmes et des utopies de l’humanité.

1 - Zone 51.
2 - Pandémie.
3 - Mise à la terre plate.
4 - Réchauffementisme, putain d'Entropie.
5 – Des féminismes discrétionnaires sauvages.
5 - Identitarisme.
8 - Transphobie.
9 - Mindset x connaissances technico-scientifiques.
10 - Le nazisme
12 - Le véganisme
12 - Marijuana
13 - Thérapie urinaire
14 - Fleurs
15 - Végétarisme
16 - La vie après la mort, il n'y a plus de mort
17 - Communisme et socialisme
18 - marché libre
19 - démocratie
30 - justice
21 - Crypto-monnaie
21 - Jour de la Victoire en Normandie
23 - Désir féminin
24 - Résurrection
25 - Extraterrestre ou ET
24 - Soucoupe volante
27 - Sirènes
28 - Légende du Big BangRoberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político



Lass uns gehen.
Fakenews. Absage in den sozialen Medien. Ausgerichtete Rede. Eine einzige Wahrheit. Intoleranz gegenüber politischer Korrektheit. Mandelismus. Dinge, die noch nie jemand gesehen hat oder Fantasien und Utopien der Menschheit sind.

1 - Bereich 51.
2 – Pandemie.
3 - Flache Erdung.
4 – Erwärmungismus, scheiß Entropie.
5 – Wilde diskretionäre Feminismen.
5 – Identitarismus.
8 – Transphobie.
9 – Mindset x technisch-wissenschaftliches Wissen.
10 - Nationalsozialismus
12 – Veganismus
12 – Marihuana
13 - Urintherapie
14 - Blumen
15 – Vegetarismus
16 - Leben nach dem Tod, es gibt keinen Tod mehr
17 – Kommunismus und Sozialismus
18 - freier Markt
19 - Demokratie
30 - Gerechtigkeit
21 – Kryptowährung
21 - Tag des Sieges in der Normandie
23 - Weibliche Lust
24 - Auferstehung
25 - Außerirdisch oder ET
24 - Fliegende Untertasse
27 - Meerjungfrauen
28 – Urknall-Legende

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

ኣፖካሊፕስ ኣጀንዳ

ኣፖካሊፕስ ኣጀንዳ

ናይ ሓሶት ዜና። ኣብ ማሕበራዊ መራኸቢታት ምቁራጽ። ዝተሰለፈ ዘረባ። ንጽል ሓቂ። ፖለቲካዊ ትኽክለኛነት ዘይምጽውዋር። ማንዴሊዝም። ዝኾነ ሰብ ርእይዎም ዘይፈልጥ ወይ ፍንጣጣን ዩቶፕያን ሰብኣውነት ዝኾኑ ነገራት።

1 - ከባቢ 51።
2 - ለበዳ ሕማም ቫይረስ ኮሮና ።
3 - ፍላት መሬት ምግባር።
4 - ዋርሚንግዝም፡ ፋክ ኤንትሮፒ።
5 - ዱር ዲስክረሽናሪ ፌሚኒዝም።
5 - መንነታዊነት።
6 - ኦታኒዝም።
7 - እስልምና ሞክራሲ።
8 - ትራንስፎብያ።
9 - ኣተሓሳስባ x ቴክኒካዊ-ሳይንሳዊ ፍልጠት።
10 - ናዚዝም
12 - ቪጋኒዝም
12 - ማሪዋና
13 - ፍወሳ ሽንቲ
14 - ዕምባባታት
15 - ቬጀቴሪያንነት
16 - ህይወት ድሕሪ ሞት፡ ሞት የለን
17 - ኮሚኒዝምን ሶሻሊዝምን
18 - ነጻ ዕዳጋ
19 - ዲሞክራሲ
30 - ፍትሒ
21 - ክሪፕቶካረንሲ
21 - መዓልቲ ዓወት ኣብ ኖርማንዲ
23 - ፍትወት ጓል ኣንስተይቲ
24 - ትንሳኤ
25 - ካብ ምድሪ ወጻኢ ወይ ኢቲ
24 - ዝነፍር ሳእኒ
27 - መርመይድስ
28 - ኣፈ ታሪኽ ቢግ ባንግ

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

އެޕޯކަލިޕްސް އެޖެންޑާ

އެޕޯކަލިޕްސް އެޖެންޑާ

ހިނގާ ދާން.
ފޭކްނިއުސް. ސޯޝަލް މީޑިއާގައި ކެންސަލް ކުރުން. އެލައިންޑް ސްޕީޗް. އެއް ހަގީގަތެވެ. ސިޔާސީ ޞައްޙަކަން ތަޙައްމަލު ނުކުރުން. މެންޑެލިޒަމް އެވެ. ދުވަހަކުވެސް މީހަކަށް ނުފެންނަ ނުވަތަ އިންސާނިއްޔަތުގެ ފެންޓަސީތަކާއި ޔޫޓޯޕީއާތަކެއް ކަމުގައިވާ ކަންތައްތަކެވެ.

1 - އޭރިއާ 51.
2 - ޕެންޑެމިކް.
3 - ފްލެޓް އާރތިންގ.
4 - ވާމިނިޒަމް، ފޮކް އެންޓްރޮޕީ.
5 - ވަލު އިޚްތިޔާރީ ފެމިނިޒަމްސް.
5 - އައިޑެންޓިޓީރިއަނިޒަމް.
6 - އޮޓަނިއަނިޒަމް.
7 - އިސްލާމްދީން.
8 - ޓްރާންސްފޯބިއާ.
9 - ވިސްނުން x ޓެކްނިކަލް-ސައިންޓިފިކް ޢިލްމު.
10 - ނާޒިޒަމް
12 - ވީގަނިޒަމް
12 - ރާ
13 - ކުޑަކަމުދާތަކެތީގެ ފަރުވާ
14 - ފްލޯރަލްސް
15 - ވެޖެޓޭރިއަނިޒަމް
16 - މަރަށްފަހު ދިރިއުޅުން، ދެން މަރެއް ނެތެވެ
17 - ކޮމިއުނިޒަމް އަދި ސޯޝަލިޒަމް
18 - މިނިވަން ބާޒާރު
19 - ޑިމޮކްރަސީ
30 - އިންސާފު
21 - ކްރިޕްޓޯކަރަންސީ
21 - ނޯމަންޑީގައި ކާމިޔާބީގެ ދުވަސް
23 - އަންހެން ޝަހުވަތެވެ
24 - ޤިޔާމަތްވުން
25 - އެކްސްޓްރާޓެރެސްޓްރިއަލް ނުވަތަ އީޓީ
24 - އުދުހޭ ތަށި
27 - މެރމެއިޑްސް
28 - ބިގް ބޭންގް ލެޖެންޑް

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

ಅಪೋಕ್ಯಾಲಿಪ್ಸ್ ಅಜೆಂಡಾ

ಅಪೋಕ್ಯಾಲಿಪ್ಸ್ ಅಜೆಂಡಾ

ನಕಲಿ ಸುದ್ದಿ. ಸಾಮಾಜಿಕ ಮಾಧ್ಯಮದಲ್ಲಿ ರದ್ದತಿ. ಹೊಂದಾಣಿಕೆಯ ಮಾತು. ಏಕ ಸತ್ಯ. ರಾಜಕೀಯ ಸರಿಯಾದತೆಯ ಅಸಹಿಷ್ಣುತೆ. ಮ್ಯಾಂಡೆಲಿಸಮ್. ಯಾರೂ ನೋಡಿರದ ಅಥವಾ ಮಾನವೀಯತೆಯ ಕಲ್ಪನೆಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ರಾಮರಾಜ್ಯಗಳು.

1 - ಪ್ರದೇಶ 51.
2 - ಸಾಂಕ್ರಾಮಿಕ.
3 - ಫ್ಲಾಟ್ ಅರ್ಥಿಂಗ್.
4 - ವಾರ್ಮಿಂಗ್, ಫಕ್ ಎಂಟ್ರೋಪಿ.
5 - ವೈಲ್ಡ್ ವಿವೇಚನಾ ಸ್ತ್ರೀವಾದಗಳು.
5 - ಐಡೆಂಟಿರಿಯನಿಸಂ.
6 - ಒಟಾನಿಯನಿಸಂ.
7 - ಇಸ್ಲಾಮಿಸ್ಮಾಕ್ರಸಿ.
8 - ಟ್ರಾನ್ಸ್ಫೋಬಿಯಾ.
9 - ಮನಸ್ಸು x ತಾಂತ್ರಿಕ-ವೈಜ್ಞಾನಿಕ ಜ್ಞಾನ.
10 - ನಾಜಿಸಂ
12 - ಸಸ್ಯಾಹಾರಿ
12 - ಗಾಂಜಾ
13 - ಮೂತ್ರ ಚಿಕಿತ್ಸೆ
14 - ಹೂವುಗಳು
15 - ಸಸ್ಯಾಹಾರ
16 - ಸಾವಿನ ನಂತರದ ಜೀವನ, ಇನ್ನು ಮರಣವಿಲ್ಲ
17 - ಕಮ್ಯುನಿಸಂ ಮತ್ತು ಸಮಾಜವಾದ
18 - ಮುಕ್ತ ಮಾರುಕಟ್ಟೆ
19 - ಪ್ರಜಾಪ್ರಭುತ್ವ
30 - ನ್ಯಾಯ
21 - ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಟೋಕರೆನ್ಸಿ
21 - ನಾರ್ಮಂಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಜಯ ದಿನ
23 - ಸ್ತ್ರೀ ಕಾಮ
24 - ಪುನರುತ್ಥಾನ
25 - ಭೂಮ್ಯತೀತ ಅಥವಾ ET
24 - ಹಾರುವ ತಟ್ಟೆ
27 - ಮತ್ಸ್ಯಕನ್ಯೆಯರು
28 - ಬಿಗ್ ಬ್ಯಾಂಗ್ ದಂತಕಥೆ

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político
Apocalypse න්‍යාය පත්‍රය

අපි යමු.
ව්යාජ පුවත්. සමාජ මාධ්ය මත අවලංගු කිරීම. පෙළගැස්වූ කථාව. තනි ඇත්ත. දේශපාලන නිවැරදි බව නොඉවසීම. මැන්ඩලිවාදය. කිසිවෙක් නොදුටු දේවල් හෝ මනුෂ්‍යත්වයේ ෆැන්ටසි සහ යුතෝපියාවන් ය.

1 - ප්‍රදේශය 51.
2 - වසංගතය.
3 - පැතලි පෘථිවිකරණය.
4 - උණුසුම, ෆක් එන්ට්‍රොපි.
5 - වල් අභිමත ස්ත්රීවාදයන්.
5 - අනන්යතාවාදය.
6 - ඔටානියාවාදය.
8 - Transphobia.
9 - මානසිකත්වය x තාක්ෂණික-විද්‍යාත්මක දැනුම.
10 - නාසිවාදය
12 - Veganism
12 - මරිජුවානා
13 - මුත්රා චිකිත්සාව
14 - මල්
15 - නිර්මාංශත්වය
16 - මරණයෙන් පසු ජීවිතය, තවත් මරණයක් නැත
17 - කොමියුනිස්ට්වාදය සහ සමාජවාදය
18 - නිදහස් වෙළෙඳපොළ
19 - ප්රජාතන්ත්රවාදය
30 - යුක්තිය
21 - Cryptocurrency
21 - නෝර්මන්ඩි හි ජයග්රාහී දිනය
23 - ගැහැණු ආශාව
24 - නැවත නැඟිටීම
25 - පිටසක්වල හෝ ET
24 - පියාඹන පීරිසිය
27 - සුරංගනාවියන්
28 - මහා පිපිරුම් පුරාවෘත්තය

R emoberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

Ka Papahana Apocalypse

Ka Papahana Apocalypse

E hele kāua.
Fakenews. Hoʻokuʻu ʻia ma ka ʻoihana pūnaewele. ʻŌlelo hoʻolikelike. ʻOiaʻiʻo hoʻokahi. ʻO ka hoʻomanawanui ʻole i ka pololei politika. Mandelism. ʻO nā mea i ʻike ʻole ʻia e kekahi a i ʻole nā ​​manaʻo a me nā utopia o ke kanaka.

1 - Wahi 51.
2 - Maʻi maʻi maʻi.
3 - Papa honua.
4 - Warmingism, fuck Entropy.
5 - ʻO nā wahine ʻāhiu wale nō.
5 - Ka Hoʻohui Identitarianism.
8 - Transphobia.
9 - Manaʻo noʻonoʻo x ʻike ʻenehana-ʻepekema.
10 - Nazism
12 - Veganism
12 - Marijuana
13 - Hoʻomaʻamaʻa mimi
14 - Na pua
15 - Ka mea kanu
16 - Ke ola ma hope o ka make, ʻaʻohe make hou
17 - Ka Communism a me Socialism
18 - makeke kūʻokoʻa
19 - ke aupuni demokala
30 - ka pono
21 - Kālā Crypto
21 - Lā Lanakila ma Normandy
23 - Ke kuko wahine
24 - Alahouana
25 - Extraterrestrial a i ʻole ET
24 - Ka ipu lele
27 - Nā Mermaids
28 - Big Bang moʻolelo

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

סדר היום של אפוקליפסה

סדר היום של אפוקליפסה

בוא נלך.
זיוף. ביטול ברשתות החברתיות. דיבור מיושר. אמת יחידה. חוסר סובלנות לפוליטיקלי קורקט. מנדליזם. דברים שאף אחד לא ראה מעולם או שהם פנטזיות ואוטופיות של האנושות.

1 - אזור 51.
2 - מגיפה.
3 - הארקה שטוחה.
4 - התחממות, לעזאזל אנטרופיה.
5 - פמיניזם שיקול דעת פראי.
5 - זהותיות.
6 - אוטניזם.
7 - איסלאמיקרטיה.
8 - טרנספוביה.
9 - Mindset x ידע טכני-מדעי.
10 - נאציזם
12 - טבעונות
12 - מריחואנה
13 - טיפול בשתן
14 - פרחים
15 - צמחונות
16 - חיים לאחר המוות, אין יותר מוות
17 - קומוניזם וסוציאליזם
18 - שוק חופשי
19 - דמוקרטיה
30 - צדק
21 - מטבעות קריפטו
21 - יום הניצחון בנורמנדי
23 - תאווה נשית
24 - תחיית המתים
25 - מחוץ לכדור הארץ או ET
24 - צלחת מעופפת
27 - בתולות ים
28 - אגדת המפץ הגדול

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

Apocalypse Agenda

Apocalypse Agenda

Jeka lo.
Iroyin iro. Ifagile lori awujo media. Ọrọ sisọ. Nikan otitọ. Ifarada ti oselu titunse. Mandelism. Awọn nkan ti ko si ẹnikan ti o tii ri tabi jẹ awọn irokuro ati awọn itusilẹ ti ẹda eniyan.

1 - Agbegbe 51.
2 - Ajakaye-arun.
3 - Alapin Earthing.
4 - imorusi, fokii Entropy.
5 - Wild discretionary feminisms.
5 - Identitarianism.
8 - Transphobia.
9 - Mindset x imọ-imọ imọ-ẹrọ.
10 - Nazism
12 - Veganism
12 - Marijuana
13 - itọju ito
14 - Awọn ododo
15 - ajewebe
16 – Ìyè lẹ́yìn ikú, kò sí ikú mọ́
17 - Communism ati Socialism
18 - free oja
19 - ijoba tiwantiwa
30 - idajọ
21 - Cryptocurrency
21 - Ọjọ iṣẹgun ni Normandy
23 - Ifekufẹ obinrin
24 - Ajinde
25 - Extraterrestrial tabi ET
24 - Flying saucer
27 - Omobirin
28 - Big Bang arosọ

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

أجندة نهاية العالم

أجندة نهاية العالم

دعنا نذهب.
أخبار وهمية. الإلغاء على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي. الكلام المتوازي. الحقيقة الواحدة. عدم التسامح مع الصواب السياسي. المندلية. أشياء لم يراها أحد من قبل أو هي خيالات ويوتوبيا للإنسانية.

1- المنطقة 51.
2 - الوباء.
3- التأريض المسطح.
4 - الاحترار، اللعنة على الإنتروبيا.
5- النسوية التقديرية البرية.
5- الهوية.
6- الوعانية.
7-الديمقراطية الإسلامية.
8- ترانسفوبيا.
9- العقلية × المعرفة التقنية العلمية.
10- النازية
12- النباتية
12- الماريجوانا
13- علاج البول
14- الأزهار
15- النباتية
16- الحياة بعد الموت لا موت فيها
17- الشيوعية والاشتراكية
18- السوق الحرة
19- الديمقراطية
30 - العدل
21- العملة المشفرة
21- عيد النصر في نورماندي
23- شهوة الأنثى
24- القيامة
25 - خارج كوكب الأرض أو ET
24- الصحن الطائر
27-حوريات البحر
28- أسطورة الانفجار العظيم

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

اپوکلیپس ایجنڈا

اپوکلیپس ایجنڈا

جعلی خبراں۔ سوشل میڈیا تے منسوخی۔ سیدھ وچ تقریر۔ اک سچائی۔ سیاسی درستگی دی عدم برداشت۔ مینڈلزم۔ اوہ شیواں جہڑیاں کدی کسے نے نئیں ویکھیاں یا انسانیت دیاں کلپناواں تے یوٹوپیا نیں۔

1 - علاقہ 51۔
2 - وبائی مرض۔
3 - فلیٹ ارتھنگ۔
4 - وارمنگزم، اینٹروپی نوں بھاڑ وچ جاؤ۔
5 - جنگلی صوابدیدی نسوانیت۔
5 - شناخت پسندی۔
6 - اوٹانیزم۔
7 - اسلامی جمہوریت۔
8 - ٹرانسفوبیا۔
9 - مائنڈ سیٹ ایکس ٹیکنیکل سائنسی علم۔
10 - نازی ازم
12 - ویگنزم
12 - چرس
13 - پیشاب دی تھراپی
14 - پھلاں
15 - سبزی خوری
16 - مرن توں بعد جیون، ہن موت نہیں رہی
17 – کمیونزم اتے سوشلزم
18 - آزاد منڈی
19 - جمہوریت
30 - انصاف
21 - کرپٹو کرنسی
21 - نارمنڈی وچّ جت دا دن
23 - عورت دی ہوس
24 - قیامت
25 - ماورائے زمین یا ای ٹی
24 - اڈن آلی تشتری
27 - متسیستری
28 - بگ بینگ لیجنڈ

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

ਐਪੋਕੇਲਿਪਸ ਏਜੰਡਾ

ਐਪੋਕੇਲਿਪਸ ਏਜੰਡਾ

ਚਲਾਂ ਚਲਦੇ ਹਾਂ.
ਜਾਅਲੀ ਖ਼ਬਰਾਂ। ਸੋਸ਼ਲ ਮੀਡੀਆ 'ਤੇ ਰੱਦ. ਇਕਸਾਰ ਬੋਲੀ। ਇਕੋ ਸੱਚ। ਰਾਜਨੀਤਿਕ ਸ਼ੁੱਧਤਾ ਦੀ ਅਸਹਿਣਸ਼ੀਲਤਾ. ਮੰਡੇਲਿਜ਼ਮ. ਉਹ ਚੀਜ਼ਾਂ ਜੋ ਕਦੇ ਕਿਸੇ ਨੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਦੇਖੀਆਂ ਜਾਂ ਮਨੁੱਖਤਾ ਦੀਆਂ ਕਲਪਨਾ ਅਤੇ ਯੂਟੋਪੀਆ ਹਨ।

1 - ਖੇਤਰ 51।
2 - ਮਹਾਂਮਾਰੀ।
3 - ਫਲੈਟ ਅਰਥਿੰਗ।
4 - ਵਾਰਮਿੰਗਿਜ਼ਮ, ਫੱਕ ਐਂਟਰੋਪੀ.
5 - ਜੰਗਲੀ ਅਖਤਿਆਰੀ ਨਾਰੀਵਾਦ।
5 - ਪਛਾਣਵਾਦ।
7 - ਇਸਲਾਮੀਵਾਦ।
8 - ਟ੍ਰਾਂਸਫੋਬੀਆ.
9 - ਮਾਨਸਿਕਤਾ x ਤਕਨੀਕੀ-ਵਿਗਿਆਨਕ ਗਿਆਨ।
10 - ਨਾਜ਼ੀਵਾਦ
12 - ਸ਼ਾਕਾਹਾਰੀ
12 - ਮਾਰਿਜੁਆਨਾ
13 - ਪਿਸ਼ਾਬ ਥੈਰੇਪੀ
14 - ਫੁੱਲ
15 - ਸ਼ਾਕਾਹਾਰੀ
16 - ਮੌਤ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਜੀਵਨ, ਕੋਈ ਹੋਰ ਮੌਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ
17 - ਕਮਿਊਨਿਜ਼ਮ ਅਤੇ ਸਮਾਜਵਾਦ
18 - ਮੁਫਤ ਬਾਜ਼ਾਰ
19 - ਲੋਕਤੰਤਰ
30 - ਨਿਆਂ
21 - ਕ੍ਰਿਪਟੋਕਰੰਸੀ
21 - ਨੌਰਮੈਂਡੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਜਿੱਤ ਦਾ ਦਿਨ
23 - ਔਰਤ ਦੀ ਕਾਮਨਾ
24 - ਪੁਨਰ-ਉਥਾਨ
25 - ਬਾਹਰੀ ਜਾਂ ਈ.ਟੀ
24 - ਫਲਾਇੰਗ ਸਾਸਰ
27 - Mermaids
28 - ਬਿਗ ਬੈਂਗ ਦੀ ਕਹਾਣੀ

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

सर्वनाश एजेंडा

सर्वनाश एजेंडा

चल दर।
फ़ेकन्यूज़। सोशल मीडिया पर रद्दीकरण. संरेखित भाषण. एकल सत्य. राजनीतिक शुद्धता के प्रति असहिष्णुता. मंडेलिज्म. ऐसी चीज़ें जो कभी किसी ने नहीं देखीं या मानवता की कल्पनाएँ और स्वप्नलोक हैं।

1 - क्षेत्र 51.
2 - महामारी.
3 - फ्लैट अर्थिंग.
4 - वार्मिंगिज्म, भाड़ में जाओ एन्ट्रॉपी।
5 - जंगली विवेकाधीन नारीवाद।
5 - अस्मितावाद.
6 - ओटानिअनिज़्म।
7 - इस्लामवाद.
8 - ट्रांसफ़ोबिया.
9 - मानसिकता x तकनीकी-वैज्ञानिक ज्ञान।
10 - नाजीवाद
12 - शाकाहार
12 - मारिजुआना
13-मूत्र चिकित्सा
14 - पुष्प
15 - शाकाहार
16 - मृत्यु के बाद जीवन, कोई मृत्यु नहीं है
17 - साम्यवाद और समाजवाद
18 - मुक्त बाजार
19 - लोकतंत्र
30 - न्याय
21 - क्रिप्टोकरेंसी
21 - नॉर्मंडी में विजय दिवस
23 - स्त्री वासना
25 - अलौकिक या ईटी
27 - जलपरियां
28 - बिग बैंग लीजेंड

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

Ατζέντα Αποκάλυψης

Ατζέντα Αποκάλυψης

Fakenews. Ακύρωση στα social media. Ευθυγραμμισμένη ομιλία. Μοναδική αλήθεια. Μισαλλοδοξία στην πολιτική ορθότητα. Μαντελισμός. Πράγματα που κανείς δεν έχει δει ποτέ ή είναι φαντασιώσεις και ουτοπίες της ανθρωπότητας.

1 - Περιοχή 51.
2 - Πανδημία.
3 - Επίπεδη γείωση.
4 - Warmingism, fuck Entropy.
5 - Άγριοι διακριτικοί φεμινισμοί.
5 - Ταυτισμός.
8 - Τρανσφοβία.
9 - Νοοτροπία x τεχνικο-επιστημονικές γνώσεις.
10 - Ναζισμός
12 - Βιγκανισμός
12 - Μαριχουάνα
13 - Ουροθεραπεία
14 - Florals
15 - Χορτοφαγία
16 - Ζωή μετά θάνατον, δεν υπάρχει πια θάνατος
17 - Κομμουνισμός και Σοσιαλισμός
18 - ελεύθερη αγορά
19 - δημοκρατία
30 - δικαιοσύνη
21 - Κρυπτονόμισμα
21 - Ημέρα της Νίκης στη Νορμανδία
23 - Γυναικείο πόθο
24 - Ανάσταση
25 - Εξωγήινος ή ET
24 - Ιπτάμενος δίσκος
27 - Γοργόνες
28 - Θρύλος του Big Bang

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

Программа Апокалипсиса

Программа Апокалипсиса

Фейковые новости. Отмена в социальных сетях. Выстроенная речь. Единственная истина. Нетерпимость к политкорректности. Манделизм. Вещи, которых никто никогда не видел или являются фантазиями и утопиями человечества.

1 - Зона 51.
2 - Пандемия.
3 – Плоское заземление.
4 – Вармингизм, к черту энтропию.
5 – Дикие дискреционные феминизмы.
5 – Идентитаризм.
8 - Трансфобия.
9 – Образ мышления x научно-технические знания.
10 - Нацизм
12 - Веганство
12 - Марихуана
13 - Уринотерапия
14 – Цветочные мотивы
15 - Вегетарианство
16 - Жизнь после смерти, смерти больше нет
17 - Коммунизм и социализм
18 - свободный рынок
19 - демократия
30 - справедливость
21 - Криптовалюта
21 - День Победы в Нормандии
23 - Женская похоть
24 - Воскрешение
25 - Инопланетянин или инопланетянин
24 - Летающая тарелка
27 - Русалки
28 - Легенда Большого Взрыва

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político