domingo, 28 de abril de 2024

Two questions answered by absolute heuristics.

Two questions answered by absolute heuristics.

God exists?

Are we in a simulation?

The first question would never be asked by religious people, this question arises from evolutionary materialists; of materialist Marxists; of scientific skeptics;

The second question arose from intelligent design materialists; of fiction writers in scientific novels; Quantum physicists and astrophysicists.

The answers to both questions are no.

It is not necessary to go to philosophy, nor to quantum physics, nor to religious faith.

God, in his rationality, to prove his ubiquity and his capacity for omniscience could predict the future of Eve and Cain and allowed through the trick of free will that they go astray, or perhaps it was all planned to fail, as Judas was planned to fulfill the prophecy of Jesus' death.

All of this would be absurd: allowing human beings to make mistakes in order to be punished in eternal hell.

Punishment is useless: punishment does not repair the error, it does not compensate for the error nor does it make it possible to compensate for the life lost; and most importantly: it does not turn back time and redo or undo mistakes; punishment, forgiveness and repentance and, of course, forgiveness are useless. therefore, such a confusing god without logical purpose does not meet the requirements of theistic purposes, being just a jumble of facts without logic, just made up of futile and useless whims, without function, without functionalities and without rationality, a narcissistic god, who creates people only to be admired, adored, idolized, exalted and flattered, needy and lonely, vain, and selfish.

As for the case of simulation, this hypothesis can be eliminated immediately, because, if the world were a simulation, this hypothesis can be eliminated immediately for at least two countries that would never exist: the United States of North America and Brazil.

Simply put, the United States of America has turned the slim possibility of international harmony into hell while not fully controlling humanity.

They will not allow countries to develop their relations peacefully without trying to control everything around them, but if that were possible there would be a lack of means to command, control, coordinate and monitor everything on the face of the earth, it would be necessary to create rigidly controlled castes so that limited riches were distributed in a staggered manner, creating through synesthesia, a new slavery or a class of pariahs to be saprophytic garbage collectors - this way the hygiene and asepsis of a part of civilization would be guaranteed - A country like Brazil totally resistant to any form of domination and rationality, averse to the scientific method and submission to any type of normative order is always a cultural aberration to be avoided by any political regime or ideological or religious system, it was born to be an organized anarchy.


Isn't there a company suggestion box in which God could receive complaints about why there are carnivorous animals? Why are there earthquakes and volcanoes? Why are there deadly bacteria? Why do plants depend on pollination by insects, winds and other factors?

Why does simulation allow millions of laboratory variables that have not been isolated and controlled to threaten the project? Why is there no emergency to interrupt the simulation exercise to do an anti-climax or anti-panic or unpredictable anti-catastrophe restart?

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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