quarta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2024

Confused, improvident and indecisive God

Confused, improvident and indecisive God

And God saw that it would not be good for Adam to be alone, so he decided to mutilate Adam's body by removing Eve from her constellations, and Eve was born with her complete female genitalia, and Adam gained his genitalia in the surgical operation that removed Adam's rib and made Adam's penis fully functional.

So, he let the inhabitants of the earth do as they pleased and they began to build a tower to reach the upper atmosphere in Babel; he understood that men were about to reach an advanced stage of civil technology, and he interrupted the construction of the tower until polyglots appeared to get around the confusion of languages.

He improvised again when he drowned millions of babies who had never sinned and innocent animals in the great flood, which he repented of, and he fixed the rainbow as a reminder that he repented of destroying almost everyone in the greatest genocide in the history of the human race.

And there was another improvisation, creating with Abraham the first religion, Judaism, only for the descendants of Jacob, only them and their servants and slaves. Men should be marked by circumcision in the foreskin, and the descendants should convert to Judaism. For this, prophets like Jonah should seek out their descendants to preserve their religion, which ended up in Egypt and from there went to the land of the Israelites and Jews in Canaan.

New improvisations during the 40-year training in the Sinai desert, where God speaks only to those he chooses, such as Adam, Eve, Cain, Noah, Elijah and, unlike the shepherds and psalmists, God does not receive anyone personally, nor did Moses see God personally, but the popes, pastors and priests seem to deceive people by saying they are ambassadors and interpreters of God's will and desires, and they speak their personal will as if they were God's.

Even worse was in the New Testament when they tried to prove that Jesus, by contradicting God Yahweh, created another new doctrine called Christianity. In fact, Jesus never wrote or read any of the books of the New Testament, which began to be written after Jesus' death. Speaking through his mouth in the name of Jesus, Peter and Apollos began to dismantle Judaism in the name of the Way, which was called Christianity in Antioch.

It is not surprising that many centuries later another religion would emerge, neither created by God Yahweh nor created by Jesus. If Peter, who followed Jesus, was able to create a religion, those who never walked with him personally, betrayed him, or questioned him, how did Judas and Thomas join the traitors among the apostles, the 12 foolhardy men?

Hold on to this wave of new religions, which currently number well over 4,000; other researchers say that more than 8,000 were born from the idea of ​​Judaism and Christianity.

During the last 22 years of his life, beginning with spiritual revelations at age 40 in 610, according to the earliest surviving biographies, Muhammad reported revelations that he believed were transmitted to him by God through the Archangel Gabriel (Jibril). The content of these revelations, known as the Quran, was memorized and recorded by his companions.

So the Prophet Muhammad was one of the pioneers in creating new versions of Christianity; the same could not be said of Luther, who wished to remain Catholic and was decommissioned, but did not go on to found Lutheranism or Protestantism, although inspired by him his followers in Switzerland and France created the Protestant religions, Calvin and Zwingli.


But Peter said to him, “May your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money.” Simão buying a franchise of Christianity, a deal not carried out, unlike the leagues of Catholic and Pentecostal churches, the Brazilian Baptist Convention, and the Philadelphia Convention.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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