segunda-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2024

Meditation on Bitcoin

Meditation on Bitcoin

Imagine the year zero when Mr. Satochi, the mythical creator of Bitcoin, had the idea of ​​creating a decentralized and fully electronic global virtual currency.

For any economist, it is not difficult to understand that banks create virtual currencies. In fact, the asynchronous banking flow creates written or virtual currencies. English bankers discovered this in the 19th century.

To curb this case of distortion between simultaneous moments between withdrawals and withdrawals of physical money, they created the central bank, and this eliminated bank failures in England due to the rush to withdraw at the first sign of depositor panic. It turns out that the bank can lend money from an account holder to another person while the account holder is not using the money, and these two accounts are added together and an extra amount of registered money appears which adds up to the deposit made by the account holder plus the amount borrowed, which is virtual, only registered, and eventually the interest on the loan and the loan insurance, and only the creditor deposits back in the same bank part of the amount borrowed, so the total registered value is greater than the physical value in circulation, the opposite creates inflation, when the government, instead of borrowing, prints money or pays for its withdrawals with bonds. So, virtual currency has always existed, and not only banks are capable of creating money. When a car manufacturer sells another manufactured unit, it creates many times the value of the manufactured car by creating credit for dealers, who receive the cars for resale. Auto parts sellers also receive credit to finance their inventory, mechanics who will be paid to perform mandatory maintenance and even gas stations. So this entire structure placed around each car unit sold works with credit, invoices, invoices, and financing for the future. Each link in the chain needs to receive payments scheduled for future dates, some shorter, others longer.

All this money constitutes five to twenty times more than all the physical currency and banknotes in circulation, but they are not all redeemed at the same time, on the same date and at the same time.

When someone claims to make money in the stock market or derivatives, this profit is taken from someone who stopped making a profit on the other end. This market does not create virtual money, it only creates expectations, which is why the stock market crash is immediate, and the bank crash is more gradual.

Virtual cryptocurrencies are the result of this ballet of bank manipulation of virtually created currency, but these records in transit have been given the name cryptocurrencies.

To enter the crypto market, it is necessary to exchange real currency for the asynchronous transaction title, which is the stock of cryptocurrencies.

This is the stock bank of cryptocurrencies. Likewise, there cannot be a meeting between the drawer and the creditor simultaneously. The secret of cryptocurrencies is asynchronous bookkeeping. Cryptocurrencies do not exist; they are just a bank of transactions between real currencies whose value fluctuates according to scarcity or the creation of asynchronous movement between bank records. Cryptocurrencies are associated with the banking system. Bitcoin was born in the banking system and survives on the discretion of its originator system, whose bank does not reveal itself and lives in the shadow of a false legend called Satoshi. Few banking institutions in the financial world have the conditions to escape the necessary inspections to practice the mechanisms necessary to maintain the system of discreet collection and movement that requires secret bitcoin accounts. Among them are the tax havens in Panama, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Luxembourg, Bahamas, Gibraltar, Hong Kong. Thus, the entry and exit of Bitcoin is always in dollars or euros, central conversion currencies.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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