domingo, 28 de julho de 2024

Has Ukraine been to the female pole?

Was Ukraine in the female pole?

The game of seduction has a bit of John Von Newmann's Game Theory; utilitarian and classical economists use this theoretical perspective as an analytical tool, with all due respect that applies to any theoretical context, which means cetris paribus conditions, simplifications and due reductions and abstractions of variables; every methodical researcher knows about the idealistic reductionist process that does not reproduce reality, but is the only human way to reconstruct a part of the complex reality of the universe.

That said, there is a thesis that seduction has two sides: the female pole and the male pole.

The female pole represents the side of seduction where the woman seduces in a subtle and simulated game where she avoids offering herself conspicuously and the other side needs to perceive the situation without it seeming like an offer from the female pole.

There is nothing sexist about this, the female pole needs to be the passive seductive side that never takes the initiative in the relationship, and this is due to another law of the capitalist market where the law of supply of a product or service implies a downward curve where the bidder makes his bid starting from a maximum price and this value tends to go down a downward curve until it reaches the market price of effective conclusion of the transaction operation with a fair price.
When searching, the buyer looks for the lowest price to close the deal in the face of offers.
When the buyer and seller meet, it may be in the seller's interest to try to find the maximum value in the downward curve of his initial offer, and the buyer will be satisfied if the seller accepts the conclusion of the deal due to the advantage of the lowest price in the face of the minimum limit that the seller is willing to conclude the deal by carrying out the transaction.
So, game theory applied to the supply and demand market implies that the female pole avoids appearing to make an offer, but its ability to maneuver is limited to seducing the other so that he or she remains in the demand pole, otherwise the value of the female pole decreases its value, and this happens when the woman takes the active initiative, her value for the male pole immediately falls according to the law of supply and demand in the market.

The female pole seeks to conceal the offer by bringing the male pole into its active role to enhance its position, and the active role of the male pole places the man in a position of only the power of yes, while the power of the female pole places her on the side of the power of no.

The woman has the power of no, only; and the man has the power of yes, only.

What happened to Ukraine before the war with Russia? When the new Zelensky government sought dual membership of its country, Ukraine, in the EU and NATO. Ukraine was placed in the women's category and therefore lost value to the EU and NATO. It should have simply seduced NATO and the EU by letting them see the advantages of its entry or the disadvantages of its withdrawal. Because of Ukraine's offer, the EU and NATO downgraded Ukraine's value and felt like they were in the men's category. After Russia's military operation began, the EU and NATO realized that Ukraine's offer was worth much more than the devaluation that Ukraine's exit from the women's category produced at the wrong time.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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