terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2024

The infantilized version of God

The infantilized version of God

The infantilized version of God that serves as social control and that has remained for centuries under the control and service of the Vatican, of denominational boards, of church systems and congregations, confederations and federations of millionaire churches, which without any mandate from the Divine ask for money in His name.

If God really cared, the begging priests would be dead, struck dead in the pulpit in front of the congregation and their sons and daughters-in-law would be wrathful and cursed, but God does nothing because God is not a being, a person, He is a spiritual entity without human feelings, He has no anger or friendship, neither love nor hate, He is like a system that established the parameters and directives so that every spring season the flowers bloom and when the summer month arrives the mango trees begin to produce mangoes while they are still in bud, so that the annual harvest can automatically occur; so that about 104 parameters and variables allow life on Earth, not only those variables known to science amateurs and those initiated in pseudo-ecology, which do not go beyond vital elements such as: the presence of oxygen, water and the temperature of the Earth; more than that, an exact concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is needed, the movement of the tides that are provided by the inclination of the main axis of rotation of the Earth, the distance and the lunar cycle; the size and weight of the moon, the distance of the Earth from the Sun, the protection of the planet Jupiter, and 104 other conditions like these.

Who takes care of all this?

Exactly no one, God does not need to order every spring that the mango trees start producing mangoes every year, this was determined through a control law, and so many other laws that automated the universe, so God does not interfere in the universe, neither for good nor for evil, everything has already been pre-checked and established within acceptable limits according to the design of the universe.

Everything works as if it were a cube or a game dice with six faces, each with a number of dots painted on each face, from one to six dots painted on each face; when you throw the dice on the table and one of the faces comes up, because each number represented by the dots on the face that comes up in each throw obeys those same laws of nature, each random result of the die thrown does not violate any of the laws of physics, but that does not mean that you can use the laws of physics to choose before throwing the dice which number of dots will come up on the top face, and this is called chance, a non-magical event, this is how nature works, which without violating the laws always surprises us and causes about 50% baby boys and 50% baby girls to be born every year throughout the world, with a margin of variation of 2.5%, either way.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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