quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2024

The next Communist country!

The next Communist country!

“A revolution only triumphs when it breaks down the rotten door”, Proudhon’s phrase about the formula for the success of a communist revolution.

Much less bloodshed, revolts, ruptures, mutinies, desertion, none of that is necessary when all the conditions are on the table, the premises are given for the inevitable change.

The US ends up delegitimizing the opposition to the tyrannical and illegitimate government when it takes illegitimate and illegal measures, such as boycotts and unilateral sanctions without legal support from multilateral and international organizations, thus directly harming those least interested, leaving the populations without alternatives to the boycott and deprivation of things essential to life and survival. Everyone pays the penalty in the hope that the dissatisfied understand that it is not they who deprived them and punished them, but rather that it is the consequences of the acts of the rulers that caused the consequences of the acts of retaliation. Thus, the causal chain is far from the ability of the population to associate cause and effect, which hears the discourse of the authorities about the cruelty of their tormentors who prevent the population and the government from doing everything they could for the well-being of the people. Thus, the boycott, sanctions and blockades are the responsibility of external enemies, nullifying the intended effects. This is very easy to understand, when people cannot see, perceive and feel the invisible presence of a nuclear submarine measuring almost two hundred meters in size, with its two hundred nuclear warheads and twenty supersonic ballistic missiles with multiple bombs on each of them, they would be less frightened than the conspicuous and frightening presence of a huge aircraft carrier measuring 330 meters with 90 aircraft that appears on the surface of the seas with its seventy meters in height, it seems frightening, they do not even realize that the very complicated operation of an aircraft carrier makes them almost impractical as an attack weapon, depending on a huge deck that needs support with enormous amounts of logistics, such as fuel, escort; low speed, enormous noise, intense wear and tear and the extremely dangerous and risky operation of collecting and launching each aircraft, but the visual threat from the media is needed to cause fear and command respect; submarines do not command fear and respect hidden at the bottom of the sea. A nuclear submarine is like cancer before metastasis, it has no symptoms and does not cause discomfort, but when it appears in stage IV it is too late; an aircraft carrier is like a migraine, a headache that never seems to turn into a serious condition, but it manages to be annoying and causes discomfort and discomfort.

The US population is without hope, with 50 million homeless or living and residing in their cars; the dollar has lost its primacy in the operations of the world's largest business, which is oil; global power has been challenged in the war in Ukraine; parallel currencies continue to proliferate through the pioneering and clandestine cryptocurrency Bitcoin; rebellious countries and pariahs of the European-American system, such as Cuba and North Korea, have survived more than half a century of merciless siege of barriers and total isolation, serving as models for other new candidates, such as Iran, Venezuela, Argentina, Nicaragua, Syria, and Russia, which are no longer so disadvantaged, alone, and isolated.

All the conditions are in place, and the time of no return is rapidly approaching with the certainty that there is no democracy every time the system tries to assassinate a president or a presidential candidate, whether in the USA, through coups d'état in financed and commissioned revolutions, through bribes and payments to buy public agents to change and control political regimes that end up in regimes without legitimacy as in: Maidan, Cairo, Tbilisi, Ashgabat, Minski, where the yellow wave passes, the wave of democracy of the colored revolution with professional militants paid to cross Lake Maracaibo, mortadella on bread and twenty dollars to gather in crowds of millions of people spontaneously in the streets at a set time, shouting spontaneous slogans synchronously; this type of synchronized, standardized and industrialized manifestation, mimicked with slogans, flags, and customized and prepared and packaged as a useful gift, surrounded by protection against unauthorized interference from unauthorized opinions of media influencers previously censored and banned from digital social networks and mass media; restriction of language through a controlled vocabulary and lexicon, with expressions and words eliminated from speech and writing, all politically correct and suited to the community's system of social and political control.

Guess who will be the next communist in the world community?

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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