sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2025

Caio Fábio; Malafaia; Edir Macedo; Cláudio Duarte; RR Soares; Rodrigo Silva

Caio Fábio; Malafaia; Edir Macedo; Cláudio Duarte; RR Soares; Rodrigo Silva

It is impossible for a person to spend 40 years reading the Bible and never have doubts, like the former Marxists who fought so much among themselves that they created hundreds of branches and variants; thus, +4000 Christian religions were born.

Now they are going crazy. Where are your videos wearing a suit and tie?

He regretted being a pure Christian with a suit and everything, and realized that Paul and Peter are worse than Thomas and Judas; Mary is not from the genetic lineage of David, therefore genetically Jesus never descended from David; when did he discover that Joseph was a cuckold?

And when will he realize that those who are raped and become pregnant without knowing it were raped by the Holy Spirit?

The arrangement was worse than the sonnet: in order to be impregnated without sin, virginity purified Mary?

So virgins do not need salvation from Jesus Christ, like Mary?

This religion and this Bible full of amoral and illogical sophistical lists, paralogies without head or tail, for idiots, whose sources are unsigned pieces of parchment and papyrus?

Spare me sir! Assume your atheism now, grow up, but you cannot discard your past for now because of the income you earn from the royalties of your books and recorded lectures, I forgive you.
Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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