sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2024

Climate determinism?

Climate determinism?

Countries located along the polar circle are naturally in the most inhospitable zones for migration and survival.

States heroically try to conquer the demographic dividend by doing extreme things like paying men not to leave their places of residence, like Iceland, which pays people, mainly men, who want to marry dazzlingly beautiful Icelandic women, or Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, etc. The case of Canada is already a geographic paradigm where the entire population trapped by the very cold regions to the north is completely concentrated on the border with the USA, living in a 200-kilometer border box, the furthest one can stay from the north pole, where the The highest salary in Canada is a snow plow on the tracks, the second highest salary is that of a truck driver on frozen trails and roads, and the third highest salary is that of an ice pipeline pipe welder, not to mention the deadliest job in the world, which is that of a forest lumberjack in Canada and fisherman of the icy and rough Atlantic sea on the Canadian coasts.

Cold protects Russia from foreign invaders and drives even Russians out of Siberia, where the government subsidizes and encourages, sometimes compulsorily transfers settlers, workers and prisoners to the north for forced, or patriotic, service, therefore, to say that General Cold defeated Napoleon, Hitler, Genghis Khan is not a legend, he has a lot of truth without undermining the enormous courage and determination of the Slavic soldier, but the climate is certainly the key factor in entering and staying there, they are countries always without a demographic bonus, condemned to to be depopulated countries forever.

These are countries where people live confined to half-light for nine months of cold weather, this produces interesting things and effects in confined families: the couple may find themselves forced into prolonged study, reading, or sexual activities with different effects; can produce dense and long literature such as Dostoevsky's immense, endless books or endless symphonic obas like Stravinsky, or extraordinary mathematicians like Olga Ladyzhenkhaya, chemists like Mendelev, or produce a certain genital anesthesia causing the effect of women who are somewhat sexually frigid because the ritual sex is longer so the orgasm phases need to be delayed further, the cold shapes needs and reflexes and behaviors from genetic selection to social organization.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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