sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2024

No! Perhaps!

No! Perhaps!

When no is no-yes. Not necessarily no; just somewhere between a half-yes, half-no. Perhaps yes; maybe not.

I explain.

In diplomatic language, a request from another nation is never peremptorily denied at the beginning of a negotiation, conference, consultation, communication, articulation, preliminary agenda, meeting, visit.

This rule may never be violated in peacetime.

So, the vocabulary was hyphenated, it was metaphorically forged in metonymies, hypocrisies and almost paradoxical euphemisms without reaching the limit of contradiction.

The vocabulary thus developed consecrated things and words that do not exactly mean but bypass desires and ideas, touching ideology, so we created the expression cold war that no one knew how to explain theoretically, technically it is not a war, it is a non-war, a non-peace.

Next comes another new gem of diplomatic vocabulary which is the expression post-truth. It is not necessarily a lie, nor a truth, it is an exception to the truth, an obscure and dubious legal term, smooth and stylish literarily, literally.

Enriching this new neo-diplomatic vocabulary we created Galicism detente to express the immobilization of the fictional Mexican impasse in the western Hollywood film genres.

Thus, modern wars no longer have the logically expected outcome: victory or defeat. Not anymore, since the cold wars, in Indochina, in the Middle East, with few exceptions we see a side destroyed but not defeated, such as North Korea, Libya, Yugoslavia, Taiwan, Cuba, Haiti, Cambodia, Vietnam, In all these cases there was a non-defeat on one side, and at the same time, there was a non-victory. It is Gramscization semantically reframing the meaning of defeat-victory, the war of the narrative overcoming the reality of the facts. What facts?

After the cold war ended, even during this stage between bipolarism, the extreme center of the non-aligned emerged, they would be the non-enemies, non-neutral allies.

Wars are fought from the accounting perspective of cash flow, under the watchful eye of public opinion that determines the pace and intensity of actions on the battlefield, control of narratives and information from the battlefield, which is why we will never know again of the true History of wars, we have always been hostage to the narratives, since Napoleon, the French Revolution, the communist revolutions, nothing has been leaked to the books about genocides, massacres, rapes, abuses, robberies, looting, scalps, booty, all the secrecy of the unethical actions of the basements of the national state.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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