quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2024

Stop the GPT chat now!

Stop the GPT chat now!

GPT Chat: plagiarism without ref. bibliographical. It will be the cause of legal disputes over copyright, the biggest intellectual infringement fraud in the history of human literature of all time, after Google and Wikipedia.

Procedural frauds will soon emerge and pop up, in the language of information technology, going viral around the world with demands for copyright recognition caused by the appropriation of phrases, ideas, texts, studies and publications simply cloned in the texts of chatGPT, IA, simply by lack of citation of bibliographic reference sources, because CHATgpt and AI do not create information, do not invent theories, do not generate knowledge, they simply compile from human primary sources produced by true and real people, some anonymous, with the phrase that I created ago more than forty years "only friends betray", totally original and never registered or patented but which quickly went viral

a Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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