sábado, 27 de julho de 2024

Which God?

Which God?
This childish God who, in the Christian version, needs to appeal and beg people to choose Him and not the devil because He feels needy and lonely in paradise and needs to captivate people to keep Him company. This childish version of an emotionally dependent, needy, depressed God never existed.

God does not take care of you, nor does He need to prove it.

Since Eve was in paradise, God could have placed an angel near Eve so that she would not steal the forbidden fruit; God would not even need to appoint Moses to take care of the Hebrew people in the Sinai desert.

Why would God need an intermediary to govern the Jewish people with human, flawed kings, like Solomon and David, outsourcing the protection and direction of His chosen people?

A substitute god for: the State, the government, the laws, the home, parents, the doctor, the police, justice, the judiciary, luck, work, effort, goodness.

The prayers and promises of the faithful are to meet all concrete needs. Their God will provide food, employment, cure illness, ward off loneliness, ward off sadness, ward off bad luck, provide employment, pay off debts, ward off, fight and punish enemies. Therefore, this fictitious god completely alienates people and destroys the family, the state, the medical treatment system. Hard and honest work to obtain the necessary goods becomes an evil for everyone and for society and the country, like an addiction to gambling, like addiction to alcohol, sex addiction, drug addiction. The substitute religion of fanatics becomes an evil because it can do nothing materially, but the addicted person no longer has the strength to take charge of his own life, control his destiny and his autonomy. God destroys people's hope; he can destroy the country, the nation, the family, love, hope. Like an addiction. Religion replaces the real concrete with the virtual, with fantasy. Illusion, fantasy.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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