terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2025

Former pastor

Former pastor

Former pastor Petterson Brey, in his interview on one of these YouTube sites, made confessions about having left the pastoral priesthood when confronted with the truth of the Bible.

It was the Bible that freed him from religion and from himself. When you read the Bible as a student and not with prejudice and without questioning, you realize how it can speak more about its elucidative silences and silences eloquently, then you are grateful for the literary effort of reading the Bible as a confession of its explicit fallacies, but only for the prepared eye without faith and without fear of being punished.

It's a shame he was so honest that he abandoned his ministry as a pastor. He never suspected that all pastors must be atheists. Only a person without faith can take so much money from poor people and become rich without the slightest remorse for leaving widows, single mothers, and the poor starving to have the only Toyota Corolla in the community and live in a comfortable four-bedroom house with internet and cable TV, eat lots of barbecue, pizza, and drink his beer hidden away at home, and even sleep with some little sisters who make him crazy about pastoral holiness or satanism, including married women and minors. He should never confess that he is an atheist or that he does not believe in God. A scientist cannot believe in Einstein to be a scientist, nor does he believe in the Big Bang; no scientist should believe in Darwin's evolution of species. Scientists are skeptics; the scientific method demands it. I accept invitations to go up to the pulpit of any evangelical church and preach what they want to hear, regardless of whether I believe it or not. Since Isaac Newton with his wonderful Celestial Mechanics, ceteris paribus abstracting an infinite amount of variables and preconditions such as: coefficient of friction, elasticity, coefficient of restitution, humidity, relative density, rotation of the Earth, position of the sun and moon, that is, simplifying as much as possible the 104 real conditions to work mathematically as if only ideal conditions existed, then it is possible to apply the mathematical prediction of differential equations even with the desired error control of the integration constant that parameterizes the modeled result, abstracting all this then Quantum Mechanics emerges that disobeys the predictable, albeit precarious, little world of Newtonian mechanics and blows the mind of no one more than Einstein who did not believe in probability, which is the basis of photonics?

So what right do I have to doubt the existence of God, the parables of the Bible and even to believe in God or not? For science, faith makes no sense at all.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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