terça-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2025

The world is the most perverse place for the honorable.

The world is the most perverse place for the honorable.

Who was the first?

Santos Dumont, being a balloonist, knew what aeronautical specification material was; I won't explain what that is, aeronautical engineers know.

The creator of the first rock, the creator of the first Funk, the creator of the first Jazz, the creator of the first Blues.

The discoverer of the AIDS virus.

The discoverer of the first galaxy.

The creator of differential calculus, integral calculus, and the derivative.

The creator of the number zero.

The creator of the first piston machine powered by hot steam.

The creator of Bossa Nova.

The creator of the first samba.

The creator of Axé.

The creator of buchada, feijoada, and farofa.

The creator of the berimbau, capoeira, and cuíca.

The creator of the first digital electronic computer.

The creator of the touch screen.

The creator of the radio.

The creator of the electrical transformer.

The creator of the video recorder.

The creator of photography.

The creator of cinematography.

We will never know, because there is a flaw in the science of History where the disputes of Eurocentrism, and of the idolaters of races and ethnicities who consider themselves superior to the protagonists of humanity will fight and confuse History to the point where there are now +500 books written about the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, and +5000 books about the assassination of John Fritzgerald Kennedy.

So if you want to know the truth, relax, Pedro Álvares Cabral was not the first European to wash up on the Brazilian coast.

The male was the creator of everything that exists in civilization, from machines to science, and to avenge their insignificance, women invented the excuse of machismo, taking refuge in feminism. In truth, it was a special type of male in an environment confined by a very cold climate that made him awaken to knowledge.

The only unanimous opinion in History is that Armstrong was the first human being to step on the moon; the rest is pointless discussion and disillusionment, with the music of Jonny Alf.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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