quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2024

It was always extinction

It was always extinction

The problems of civilizations at all times, on all continents, in all phases have always been one: extinction, represented by the scarcity of some limiting factor, which could be water; foods; space, security, excessive or scarce demographic reproduction.

We wouldn't even need proof or examples throughout the history of civilization, extinction and migrations and also wars are all caused by the search for survival of a human group, even if they don't know how to verbalize and understand anthropologically the forces that lead them to extreme behavior. for survival.
Whenever we try to justify the fall of empires and great genocides caused by wars, pandemics, and we are always willing to accept factors such as infertility and soil depletion, scarcity of drinking water, excess ice, extreme weather, but we never admit a capable modern factor of causing extinction that is the plague of technocide, the genocide caused by the heavy load of the advanced technological complex, which requires high specialization and a pyramid of monopolistic technology complex, as a result we see global companies with complete control of entire access sectors to technology, such as the production of 2-angstrom nanotechnology microprocessors, or monopolies and oligopolies of large totems of big service providers and access to network databases such as Google, Wikipedia, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Tiktok, Windows , Android, Sony, Toyota, Intel, ASMC, Huawey, AIRBUS, Java programming language for computers, so to maintain these complex sectors society must have all the components from cutting-edge universities, research institutes, scientists, doctors of technology, laboratories, market and sources of funding for science and research, and this requires that a large part of the population dedicates itself entirely and mainly to Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Chemistry, Information.
It requires people to dedicate more than 30 years of their first years of life to heavy study, preparation and social retreat and social withdrawal and renunciation of the elementary pleasures of any young person exclusively to dedicate themselves as a monk, and this is found in environments and generations special conditions, in extraordinary socio-political and economic conditions where compensation is only personal and not material or emotional.
Extinction or envy? Rousseau or Mauthus?
So society finds itself hostage to high technology and a vital part of society needs to be isolated and protected and the rest finds itself marginalized and excluded because it demands from everyone an extremely high level of education and school preparation that not everyone is willing to sacrifice for. lack of intellectual aptitude, lack of financial resources, lack of time and will, these excluded people become an unsolvable problem because inclusion requires a long time of preparation and will or opportunity, and society is divided into social castes and intellectuals, and difference and inequality can become a serious social problem capable of dividing and destroying unity and social and national coexistence
Either society accepts natural inequality or all attempted solutions to make people equal end up in social upheaval and class struggle and unrealistic egalitarian ideological political disputes and artificial utopias.
The only societies prepared to overcome envy and social differentiation in the world are those with a Hindu and Muslim background, the West is totally contaminated by democratized opulence and the promise of wealth and happiness for all equally, mainly due to socialism and Christianity.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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