quinta-feira, 25 de julho de 2024



I don't see much future in a religion without its rituals, and contrary to the Old Testament, without images of worship, without sacred things and objects, without holy words, without a powerful and influential leader with a lot of charisma; Durkheim's sociology says that most human beings feel abandoned and without direction when without a ritual, contrary to the void of God that many talk about that drives human beings to religious mysticism that forces them to seek to fill this void, I believe and consider the void of slavery where the human being needs and feels the need to enslave himself, to commit himself and to imprison himself, he needs to be a prisoner, a parasite, a slave, a follower, an idolater, to justify his addiction to something or someone that dominates and enslaves him, that submits him, it can be anything: from a blind love passion for another person; it can be total admiration for his idol from music, cinema, television, the internet, football; by a leader like Lula or Brizola, or Bolsonaro to idolize the myth; it could be through gambling; it could be cigarettes; it could be a music band, it could be a style of music like sertanejo or rock; or it could be for his beloved country or for his race or ethnicity; in short, the human being needs to be attached in body and spirit to something that gives greater meaning than his survival instinct for something for which he would happily give his life in exchange, contrary to his instinct for self-preservation of life, yes, he wants something to exchange for his own life, this is a greater challenge and feat than what religion imagines to be the desire for eternalization, it is not that: giving one's own life for a belief is the greatest of all heroisms, the cause greater than life, the altruistic anomic suicide, whatever you want to call it.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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