terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2022

Where do sheep come from

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

Where do sheep come from

He was fattening his new sheep in his small farm, so he took Fredo, his 90 kg male sheep, to go and close the deal on the bike with his Helio as agreed, so mr. Geofreddo walked with his sheep tied by the neck and touched his cart pulling the Fredo towed by the cart to the gate of his place to meet the owner of the bicycle who would arrive at the agreed time, what was his surprise to find him. if with Geofreddo's son, who, bringing the bike, asked him if it was the 100 kg sheep?
So the deal was a 90kg sheep, he said, so he went back to the farm without the bicycle and Mr. Godofreddo's son without the 100kg sheep.
The price of the bicycle went up in the barter market in the small village where money does not circulate, everything is exchanged for the weight of the sheep, a 60 kg sack of corn changed from a 60 kg sheep to a 65 kg sheep, a hoe from a 15 kg ram to a 17 kg ram, the load of cow manure of 500 kg went from a 25 kg ram to a 28 kg ram, so the sharecroppers and farm partners who received their monthly salary in 380 kg of mutton saw their yields decrease in exchange capacity.
Everything seemed to have a price increase, except the lambs, because the kg lamb was the bargaining chip, if everyone started to increase their kg of lamb equivalent, the only one to lose was whoever had the sheep stocked up to buy food, goods, utensils.
Then there was a shortage of sheep for trade, people began to look for sheep cooperatives to ask for an increase in the number of sheep so the trade doesn't stop.
That brilliant idea of ​​the bicycle owner who raised his price per kg of sheep triggered a crisis in the small village because you cannot increase the sheep herd quickly without violating the laws of natural reproduction of the sheep herd.
The mayor had a brilliant idea, to deceive the citizens, introducing goats instead of sheep, so he ordered from the neighboring city a cart departure bringing many goats, so the idea was refused because sheep began to be overvalued and goats were very cheap, in the beginning it was possible to exchange a 25 kg goat for a 5 liter jar of cow bed, but soon a 45 kg goat for 5 liters of cow's milk was needed, or a 10 kg sheep, the sheep disappeared from the place, it was difficult to find a sheep. Now a 10 kg sheep was exchanged for 100 kg of goat.
Moral of the story: human stupidity is not greater than greed, which triggers monetary inflation and makes references to value and then price of goods and services disappear, but human beings will never learn that.

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