terça-feira, 23 de julho de 2024

Looking at religion from Phenomenology

Looking at religion from Phenomenology
The earth is not the center of the universe;
There never was a big bang;
Biden was defeated;
ICC and UN are not effective;
God Yahweh is not in heaven;
The Middle Ages ends in 2025
Unfortunately there won't be a third war due to lack of toilet paper.

Consequences of this vestibular corollary:
The science of Mathematics does not exist in the concrete and real world, Mathematics is a closed set of cognitive propositions that only make sense in the abstract, closed and controlled world of Mathematics.

You cannot divide any digit by zero, the result is the theory of limits, which is an algorithmic process of successive approximations that allows you to know if in the vicinity of a given point or limit what would happen if it were possible to find that point or that limit, therefore , a speculation about something we don't know from something we know, therefore, by limit theory a division by zero would be such a large quotient number; such a number would be infinitely as large as the universe.

In the real world, we could mathematically end hunger and poverty around the world by dividing one American dollar, which is the world's international currency, by zero, the mathematical result would be a number as big as the entire universe: unlimited!

The brain physiologically has only blood liquids, water, enzymes, and electrical and magnetic impulses, biochemical reactions in neurons, but it does not contain a single letter, or a single word or phrase, or any text recorded on it, the brain does not have any images , however, we know that the information is there in the same way that in the electronic memory of a cell phone, notebook, or tablet there is no information, just electrical currents flowing in an organized way in a protocol of data and instructions and logical addresses codified and controlled. Where is the information on the computer, on the hard drive, on the pen drive, if we cannot see it?

The invisible symbolic world is the only existing world, that's why God does not exist in the physical world, God doesn't even care if you believe in him or not. It doesn't make a difference, just as it doesn't make a difference whether you like Mathematics or not, Mathematics doesn't care or care about it, nor about you.

Asking if someone believes in God is as useless as discovering yet another star in the sky where in our galaxy alone the Milky Way has 400 billion of them, maybe a trillion, it won't change anything in your life, it doesn't matter in the slightest, except the sun , the rest of them, the stars in the sky, will not have any influence on your life.

Since my childhood I was an infamous child, skeptical about science, I always doubted scientific canons, I liked to deconstruct traditional knowledge, therefore, my application of naked curiosity in the field of science to the spiritual field was easier.

Every important progress in technology was not an evolution, but a rupture with the mature knowledge of the time in which it occurred, and a rupture will always provoke a reaction from the very members of the traditional scientific community that so much effort and many decades of dedication were expended, and if It takes a detachment to forget everything old and relearn the new, and few scientists have the capacity for this resignation, on the contrary, people who are arrogant in their knowledge are resilient to new knowledge, whether intellectual or not. Just as a man born blind may never know what a color looks like, or a person with color blindness could never know what a color is, the ignorant also has no way of knowing if he is stupid and ignorant.

The question of the concrete existence of the universe is a problem only for people who have already rejected phenomenology, those who do not believe in the “matrix”, literally.

So, as a boy, I always imagined a new science; What can be seen is that we are limited by the scientific knowledge of the past, everything needs to be reinvented, even the scientific method. Asking whether God exists may seem intelligent, but it is the most stupid question to ask a quantum field physicist. You will not find images or texts inside a cell phone or computer chip, there is a protocol for inserting and retrieving information, this is how the neurons of the brain are, you cannot see the sound, nor the force of gravity, nor the energy electricity, not the smell, not the thought, not the pain, almost everything that is considered interesting and important cannot be seen, you cannot see the information going in and out of the cell phone antenna which happens all the time, therefore, asking if there is electricity without being able to see without being able to see the radiation that comes out of uranium 235 that can kill you without you knowing, without feeling pain, without feeling any sensation, just you die without knowing what you are dying of.

God is in that category of entities that do not comply with the experimental parameters and variables, he is part of a new nature of entities that science has not yet dealt with with the dedication it owes to other advanced fields of knowledge, but this does not mean that it does not interfere or stops interfering.

For many millennia, primitive human beings have noticed some anomalies in the invisible field that has very subtle forces that modern behavioral science shyly calls parapsychology, these are fields of events linked to telekinesis, divination, telepathic communication, just as we mix this with religious practices. , but more open people have already realized that one should never mock any religious practice, it seems that the collective unconscious or other powerful forces end up making strange and desired things happen when many people together think and desire the same things and these Very desired things end up happening, regardless of the sect or religion, or the gods, or the named entities invoked to fulfill the desire, and this needs a name and an acceptance, or a perception freer of prejudices because the facts exist and they are the main reason why religions exist and change people's lives, the infallible and exact formula for controlling these events in a methodical and regular way has not been discovered, with the expectation of more assertiveness than we still have through invocation methods of these forces, such as: dispatches and immolation of sacrificial animals; miraculous prayers; events such as long and painful pilgrimages; special words of anointing, it seems that sometimes it works, but most of the time the expected result is not obtained without it being a random event, but, the signs that the spiritual field is waiting for some religion or someone to decipher the access doors to the field of the most powerful forces in the universe, which is the invisible spiritual field.
Neither the genesis of the Bible nor the Torah anticipated the creation of a religion for Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Noah, none of them had any religion, so God Yahweh selects an old man named Abram who was a worshiper of other gods and creates with it a pact to found an ethnic, cultural and religious tradition, creates Judaism, creates the lineage of the Hebrew people and with this a new language, Hebrew, a culture and a religion, is born.
So, if religion wasn't important even to God since Adam and Eve, why did it become so after Abraham and exclusively for a new people, for no one else?
So, the Bible highlighted the relative importance of religion and its relevance and pertinence very late because religion is one of the institutions of social control as well as: the State, the government, the family, the laws of Moses, the laws of the State, ethics and morals, the community, the expectations of the people who circulate in our social orbit occasionally or frequently, in clubs and in the neighborhood there are hundreds of written or unwritten social contracts, such as the invisible contract of coexistence in dating, in friendship, in counter-kinship such as brothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, then all social norms and rules belong to the most inclusive system of all that provides for non-formal social punishments, which is the most comprehensive and inclusive of all forms of control, which is religion.
Religion is above us as well as the state, the government, the political system because they were all created by society to establish tolerable norms of social coexistence, so religion is not sacred and inviolable, as democracy can undergo changes and updates, such as democracy is not what the USA wants to impose on all countries, nor is it determined by a group of nations over others, as there are dozens of types of democracies and different forms of governments, with elections or without elections, with direct elections, with indirect leaders in parliamentarism, or with political parties or without political parties, with rules for being chosen in elections and for impeaching elected politicians, then democracy cannot be dictated because it constantly changes and who decides when to change is also formalized by the rules exceptional democratic or not.
Religion and democracy are not sacred and untouchable totems precisely because they were created by human beings for human beings with all the vicissitudes and limitations and flaws like everything human.
Religion was the greatest human invention, demonstrating a superior form of intelligence to create an entity superior to all men to subject all human beings to this institution, a genius and self-justifying idea, but human beings always need to be reminded of this: we invented religion. religion.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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