terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2022

Big Bang

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist
big Bang
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The Big Bang theory created or invented or deduced from the mind of Father Le Maitre is not part of the world of epistemological possibilities about scientific thinking, because it has some ambiguities that lead to self-deductive circular thinking that derives from the logic of cumulative circular causation a dead end where the cause is the deed at the same time.

Before the universe, there was nothing, and we have philosophical and religious difficulties to imagine what nothing would be, because nothing is everything that is beyond the horizon of the universe, towards where the universe expands according to Hubble at increasing speeds surpassing the luminary speed, and this is perfectly possible without violating any principle because beyond the limit of the universe there are no: space, time, matter, energy, information and the laws of physics or any other law.

This was the environment before the Big Bang, so when the primordial point exploded in the Big Bang, time, space, matter, energy, information and the laws of physics did not exist.

To start creating matter and energy; first, information would be created that would guide the organization of matter and energy to be constituted within the laws of physical Chemistry, therefore, first the information, and then the laws; and then space and time; and finally, matter and energy.

The information and laws of chemical physics do not need a real material medium or support, they are virtual; time and space are relative, depending on a local reference; and matter and energy are an interchangeable pair.
So the Big Bang was more than the explosion for the creation of the universe, it was the beginning of six entities that sustain the universe without which nothing would exist and all this came from absolute nothingness.

Therefore, the absolute-nothing created everything that exists, including nothingness, all religions have difficulty working with the concept of nothing, the anthropomorphization of God, of the gods all made them limited and human, God is not a being, he does not speak with us, he does not listen to us, he does nothing for us, nor does he fail to do something for us, we cannot interfere or beg his will because he has neither good nor bad, neither is it opportune nor inopportune, this image of God leaves us in the void of abandonment, like an animal loose in the forest defending itself from natural predators and hunting for food to survive against the fortuitous circumstances favorable and unfavorable of nature and the environment, thrown to their own devices, because in this way the rules control unpredictable chance because we do not have the control of all variables in the universe.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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