domingo, 29 de maio de 2022

Love, the same as always

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist
Love, the same as always
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I can't imagine what happened in the separation: if it was serious then the end is the way out because repenting, forgiving and punishing doesn't pay for or erase what happened because the acts are definitive, the facts are definitive.

On the other hand, love is a pathology, which, in order to succeed, love cannot be a conquest, love is submission, because the greatest desire of the human being is for power, then comes wealth and, finally, physiological survival, not even I'm going to explain the three forms of suicide: anomic, selfish and autruistic; then to love is to give yourself, it's to annihilate yourself, it's to surrender is to surrender without charge and without expectation of retribution, because love is not an exchange, love is a disease it is a pathology invented by our fantasy, it is a consciously consented lie to idolize a person who does not exist except in our imagination; for better or for worse, therefore: the ugly looks beautiful, the bad looks good, the dishonest looks honest, punishment looks like affection, pain looks like pleasure, and hell looks like heaven; because love is an illusion.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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