segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2022

There is no war in Ukraine

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist
There is no war in Ukraine
Books on

The world got lost in the conclusions, when it started correctly clarifying the epistemological meaning of the strategic expression of what would be a political defeat or victory, in the end it succumbed to the addiction of the press always in search of the spectacle of the unusual of the unexpected and answers the question avoided since the beginning and which was answered in a paradoxical way with Clausewitz's concept of war being the continuation of diplomacy by other military means, so it satisfied the crowd by cheering for the apotheosis of Putin's fall, something inconceivable for the geopolitical world situation where the Ukraine war is not is taking place on Ukrainian territory, it is just the new stage of unique political actors of - colorful springs; dictatorship regimes and revolutionary and islamic guerrillas - other wars that followed the second great world war, it was always the war between Russia and the USA, by proxy, therefore, the defeat in the battle of Ukraine, if it were possible, would migrate the military conflict and nuc to Europe or US territory.

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