quarta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2023

The West Bubble

The West Bubble

The so-called West is not exactly a strictly geographic region, rather what is called the West is a set of countries that basically have a set of political and sociological conventions that make them build together a community of communication, income level, technologies common principles of economic and historical coexistence that are driven by the multilateral agreements that they share in their federal constitutions and in their consumption habits of their populations.

This behavioral package is made up of some multilateral organizations that are not exclusive but were forged within principles that emerged from its intellectual core with origin in universities and socio-economic research institutes created to study and disseminate a thought called universal civilizing Western thought, coming out of from: Stanford Institute, Leman Center, Rand Institute, Ford Foundation, Brookings Institution, IFRI French Institute for International Relations, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, SIPRI Norwegian Peace Research Institute, Heritage Foundation, Gato Institute, Tellus Institute, Center For American Progress, TT and Foreign Policy Programs listed the number of think tanks or think tanks in the world in 2018, this Index listed the US as the country with the highest number of Think Tanks (1871), followed by India ( 509), China (507), United Kingdom (321), Argentina (227), Germany (218), Russia (215), France (203), Japan (128), Italy (114), Brazil (103), Canada (100), South Africa (93).

Formatting Western thought for a convergence of moral, intellectual, religious, cultural, economic, social and political values that are not always convergent, but have a core of common ideas based on principles of Enlightenment and Positivism.

This set of beliefs is best characterized by the set of practices they do not accept much more than by a core of acceptable and permanent procedures, for example, the Islamic religion is not part of this core of religious ideas and practices; in the same way, types of totalitarian governments were abolished, and the existence of a parliament elected by universal suffrage is the basic and fundamental requirement to be western; freedom of thought and cultural and religious pluralism are mandatory; salaried free work, union organization and social and environmental responsibility; monogamous family, freedom and religious plurality; Private propriety; guarantees of community access to goods of common merit such as housing, health, personal security, universal and multi-level education; elimination of discrimination against ethnic, religious, sexual, religious, political groups, except Nazi, xenophobic, anti-Semitic groups; prohibition of child labor, prohibition of pedophilia, prohibition of incest, prohibition of sexual exploitation and sex work.

So the nucleus that forms the West is composed of just over ten percent of the world's population consisting of 8.5 billion people from which the inhabitants of Eurozone Europe are extracted, plus the inhabitants of the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Zealand, making up a group of 900 million people, so the West excludes a nine-tenths majority of the entire world population.

Basically, we are being guided by the behavior of about 320 million people who live in the US, who are the protagonists of western world thought, if we exclude foreigners of Hispanic origin who live in the US, we would have just over 200 million Anglo-Saxons from origin in the USA that created the social practice known as the core of western behavior, expressed in the media production that spreads through the areas of cultural influence of the English and North American language, through the great channels of media diffusion, which disseminates the ideology through its: music, (Hip Hop, RAP, Rock in Roll, Country, Blues, Jazz, Gospel, and subgenres), Hollywood movies, journalism and sports channels (CNN, FOX, BBC, CBS, ABC, NBC CW , PBS, Univision, UniMás, TeleXitos, Bounce TV); development agencies such as: IMF, BM, OECD, OIC, UN, NATO, are influencers and guarantors of the US international business model and regulatory agencies of international relations of the US business model based on the US dollar currency board .

Large global brokers and dealers such as: Microsoftware, Google, Tesla, GM, Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen, Sanssung, LG, Fiat, Apple, YSL, Mercedes, GE, Boeing, Lockheead, Raytheon, IBM, Goodyear, Pfizer, Dupont, Exxon , Shell, Springer, Amazon, these large groups impose their products and forms of mass consumption, and fashion, such as: EMI ODEON, Nike, Mc Donalds, SUBWay, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Johnson & Johnson, P&G, of course many other large global entities are left out of these lists, this am oyster is just a demonstration of the global reach in the West, which usually ignores consumers from other continents who are not even affected by its activities, about 8 billion people who did not become aware of the existence of these giants and these people are in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, especially in the interior of entire countries in Latin America who do not speak English, have never picked up a dollar bill, do not know the words to a hit song on the Bill Board charts, have never heard of the Woodstock festival, they didn't even take notice of the cultural revolution of gender diversity, they know nothing about the emancipation and female empowerment of the feminist revolution, they never drank a Pepsi Cola, it's these 8 billion people forgotten by the West who are not part of the huge western bubble, but are the hegemonic majority of humanity that Bill Gates is concerned with eliminating with George Soros, and other genocidal Nazis who want to purify the human race in its purist, humanizing and one-sided racist vision in the new version of Nazism.

The non-Westernized remainder has already received the name of the third world, currently self-proclaimed non-aligned, and extended BRICS, gradually becoming aware of their importance for themselves in a rediscovery of their grandeur.

Everything that happens in the West and to the West receives an extreme and disproportionate importance, seeming that the world where things happen with purpose and importance is exclusive to the West, for example, the second world war, which was not a world war, was a European conflict, with the inclusion of faraway Japan, which if it weren't for the invasion of eastern Russia would be just a regional war, where some countries in Europe were included and others weren't, as, for example, they were left out in Europe itself: Portugal, Spain, Switzerland , Iceland, Sweden with small marginal share; left out entirely: South America, Central America, Mexico, Africa, just a bordering part of China, the US just fought as transoceanic combatants, transplanted across the Atlantic Ocean after a long ship journey to cross more than six thousand kilometers of seas to help the United Kingdom, military tourism that resulted in the definitive permanence of its troops in Europe through the consented occupation of NATO to avoid a new transfer of troops from one side of the Ocean to the other, the same situation happened in Okinawa where at a distance of almost 20,000 kilometers from the US requires a permanent occupation to ensure the readiness of US troops in Asia.

It was pretentious and exaggerated to call the war in Hitler's Europe a world war when less than one percent of humanity was actually involved and fighting in this Western war. It was just a Western war.

The opportunity is in the hands of the earth's majority inhabitants to assume their share of importance in the world and eliminate the not always conspicuous control of western thought and assume its cultural and social diversity to raise multiple voices in hundreds of languages and dialects to teach the inhabitants of the West that there are many things they have never been interested in knowing, many ideas and models of philosophy, science, medicine, cultures, social, economic, religious practices, fashion, organizations and social entities that the West ignores, talents and new visions of life unknown that can save the West from cultural suicide represented by the self-destructive behavior of the Western community that consumes 90% of all cocaine produced in the world, 100% of new amphetamine drugs, 99% of antidepressants and cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, responsible for pollution of waters, seas, air and the destruction of non-renewable natural resources is.

There are 8 billion people who do not know or have heard of or know what they are: The Beatles, Coca Cola, Holly Bible, Bill Gates, Dollar, Bit Coin, Windows, Iphone, Yves Saint Loran, Cartier, Intel, Big Mac, Nike , Nissan, CNN, these people don't know what election by universal suffrage, civil rights, therefore, the West lives in its bubble of self-sufficiency and self-validation with its back to the real world where 90% of humanity lives, unaware of everything that if you think and live there, and the way they live.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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