segunda-feira, 17 de junho de 2024

Market mechanism

Market mechanism

Trying to decipher consumer tastes they created: market clinic; survey Research; Marketing; quality control; Kanbam; CCQ, Toyotism; All management and sales strategies fail due to the idiosyncrasy of the buyer, called the sovereign consumer.

Two European companies: one went bankrupt and the other became one of the largest in the automobile world. One is the vanguard of technology, innovation, boldness, progress in engineering, in aesthetics.
The other is the vanguard of regression is the protagonist of regression and delay, extremely cautious and conservative in everything, never embarks on adventures and daring, has no charm and never cares about the latest technology and innovation.

But guess who is the winner in the market?

Got it right. the conservative and queen of delay. It seems that consumers are afraid of the new. The consumer will always be conservative

The conservative doesn't even know what he needs. They need the bold to take the lead and pave the way so that the majority of the shy will recognize them much later.

So it was with the first car built by Benz, it took his wife, wife of the Benz engineer who built that ugly contraption, Mrs. Mercedes, to make a pilgrimage through Germany to show that it was possible for a horseless vehicle to replace carriages and get rid of that smell. of horse feces and urine, convince people to own what is today the greatest symbol of status and the most desired asset for human beings, the automobile.

The same happened with television, with cell phones, the sport of football, today the king of crowds, was despised as leisure for the rich, too boring to wait two hours to finally watch the goal after all the anticipation of the long, slow and long game. We had two presidents of the republic who emerged from the unknown ostracism and low clergy of the politics of anonymity in the big media and became the most voted and popular among all.

The French manufacturer that reinvented the automobile dozens of times with magical hydropneumatic suspension, automatic hold-on clutch, sweeping futuristic design lines, full of a thousand technological tricks, but: went bankrupt at least three times, and together with Ford with the Mustang model were the two manufacturers with their Citröen DS19, the only two cars to break sales records on the day of launch, never breaking those numbers again.

On the other hand, Volkswagen, whose success with the Beetle, Beetle, Kafë, was a model invented by the Czech engineer Ludwika from the TATRA factory called T670 when the Volkswagen factory didn't even exist yet, it was the model that Ferdinand Porsche presented to the leader Hitler as the people's van, and so VW became, before the DIESELGATE scandal, for a few years the largest manufacturer in the automobile world, Before the Chinese...

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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