terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2022

freaked out women

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist

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freaked out women

I was called a toxic sexist, by none other than a girl indoctrinated in modern funky schools run by the PT, who had twenty years of government sponsoring booklets on the innovative possibilities of the anus, unlimited sexual diversity, despite the chromosomal genetic limitation that allows only one aberration per error or copying due to random genetic mutation that to reproduce needs to turn the secret key of chromosomal recombination during the phase of meiosis and paired recombination of the corresponding genes, usually genetic mutations produce sterile specimens.

This is not the time for amateurs in biology to play God and recreate genetic variations by altering the phenotype through hormones and surgery, creating new social roles for other gender varieties outside the tacit social contract that allowed homo sapiens to reconstruct social and economic relationships based on division of social labor according to social roles, although conditioned and contingent given the initial and previous conditions, and the environment in which social relations and the needs of the social and economic system develop.

Social functions are useless if social acts and actions cannot be supported by contingent economic conditions and conditions and by immediate economic demands, no market law provides predictability of future economic behavior because the market is immediate and not able to protect itself. of future demands, market demands and offers only refer to the present time based on the immediate past, so the very short reach of the market is an immutable and irremediable characteristic, the market is incapable of projecting itself into the future, this is the main limitation of the market who does not take risks and fears risk, his enormous aversion to insecurity, therefore, prevents the market from being rational.

This teenager quoted from the opening paragraph announced without mincing words that I myself was a male asshole and abusive to all women, a diagnosis that for a behavior professional would need hundreds of therapy sessions and many PCR tests even to eliminate all possibilities of variants from Asperger's, Autism, Sociopathy, Neurasthenia, Schizophrenia, to then leave this diagnosis of social behavior revealed above in the psychotic wave invented by a woman embittered by the massacre that males imposed on women, especially males of the polar circle who were touched by the need for withdrawal. for nine months a year in their quarters because of the wild and deadly cold of the poles they invented everything that humanity knows as utilities and ideas such as economic theories from the physiocracy to the marginal utility theorem and they invented everything from the screw, the pulley, the ax , invented the cell phone, television, the automobile with diesel, gasoline, gas, alcohol combustion engines, leaving absolutely nothing for the woman to invent and recreate, the woman to avenge her enormous unimportance to humanity in terms of contribution to human knowledge now blames machismo for all, forgetting or neglecting that nature acted first by enormously differentiating the genders, with man having 2.5 times more muscle mass, 2 times greater muscular explosion, because of the heart and lung about 50% bigger in the male and about 50% bigger. 1.5 liters more blood, it has 1 trillion more neurons and 10 trillion more neuronal synapses so it's an unequal competition between the sexes from the start.

The angry speeches that pretend to be excluding pretend to ignore that for women to belong to the armed forces, the exams had to be differentiated between the sexes to admit women, putting at risk the society that depends on the protection of these soldiers, so other activities could perfectly be performed. exclusively by women but they don't want it because feminist ideology does not propose equality but goes further to propose feminist superiority over men, which was all the result of sexist oppression that impeded by laws the intellectual and labor development of women, obviously, during the Slavery and feudal serfdom did not interest the slave master and the landlord the difference of sex to work but the males were still more valuable and this was repeated during the Industrial Revolution that did not distinguish between sexes and age in the factories of Liverpool, Manchester, where the male adult workforce ended up expelling the workforce and also child labor based solely on productivity, not even because of sex. Only that.

They reject the male's toxic company but accept to use the tools invented and still manufactured by the male toxic ones such as the automobile, the cell phone, the refrigerator, the kitchen, hapinha, the bus, the alimony of the toxic machista none of this bothers and inhibits the dystopian and incoherent feminist discourse because it is based on inferences and a lot of irrational and lying anger.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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