segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2022

no purpose

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist
no purpose
Books on

Philosophizing and Religious.

It was from this reflection that we invented religion and invented God. Now it has closed the circle of understanding the total purposelessness of existence, our existence has no purpose. That's why we invent a moralistic or philosophical or sentimental purpose to support our empty existence. Without religion we will dissolve and we will be a suicidal species, like whales have a tendency to kill themselves out of nowhere,

Sex is a consented brutality between humans, where an individual invades and affectionately and vigorously attacks the body of another, causing with friction and rubbing only the sensation of pleasure while science has not yet produced such an orgasm machine to get rid of the inconvenience of depending on the explicit consent of the other to rub and interact directly causing a slight aggression, or not, for both to altercation in that emulation of a fight and invade the other from the outside in without realizing that this behavior is so gross and grotesque like a beast devouring a helpless animal to survive.

Nature is amoral and suddenly a huge rock coming from interplanetary space without any purpose or fault of anyone rushes against our planet and out of nowhere that unconscious piece of rock ten kilometers long at a speed of 80 thousand kilometers per hour destroys everything that nature took 3 million years organizing to build and control and harmonize, nothing here on earth has any aim and purpose, it's all fleeting and without any purpose.

Don't call me an atheist or a gnostic, I'm just a religious who respects religion and all God, creator of everything that exists, including what doesn't exist, you can believe, if you believe in something it comes into existence, this is Phenomenology, this is Quantum Physics.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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