terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2022

The day the US took over the Brazilian Amazon

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist
The day the US took over the Brazilian Amazon
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The day the US decided to invade the Brazilian Amazon.

In sixty days all the military forces have their barracks totally destroyed, the oil refineries are on fire, the military and large civilian airports are rendered useless, the biggest ports on the coast are destroyed, the air force, the navy are destroyed.

Now begins the takeover of the Amazon by US ground troops. Without electricity, without drinking water in big cities, without food and goods supply, the population of Brazil is a victim and cause of different regional reactions.

In the biggest capitals, the crime syndicate quickly takes advantage of the dissolution of the social and political system to create increasingly savage militias, demanding from the population the right of access to survival goods, starting a guerrilla in the civilian population and soon American soldiers began to negotiate with the drug lords of the Comando Vermelho and the Primeira Comando da Capital, and soon the big traffickers and militiamen were buying tanks or stealing the war tanks and cannons and bazookas and anti-aircraft missiles, and ammunition from both the US and the US military. Brazilian military, was the way to survive against the experienced bandits and traffickers.

Corruption and drug trafficking, prostitutes and the malice of rogues infiltrate the worst minds of American soldiers and the American army suffers the first casualty which is not being able to control its own soldiers against the huge and growing amount of desertions among the soldiers. and the profit from the increasing corruption of soldiers by drug traffickers.

The US military cannot control the drug gangs that knew every inch of the hills and suburbs of cities full of traps, drugs, prostitutes and murderers and thieves that the Brazilian State was never able to eliminate or control.

In the northeast region, they got to know the fury and resilience of soldiers from the caatinga, the jungle and the swamp, used to living with jaguars, anacondas, furious, poisonous insects, the floods and the impassable jungle, they finally got to know the hell of the caatinga desert, the green hell of the Amazon jungle, the marshes of the swamp and the Amazon flood seasons, the diseases of the jungle and the total scarcity of natural foods from the jungle whose fruits and food is very reduced, contrary to the belief that the Amazon is rich in food products, the Amazon is just a green hell inhospitable to human life.

After almost twenty years, exhausted Europeans and Americans give up on the Amazon and never return there as Henry Ford and Daniel Ludwig once gave up on taming the Amazon jungle.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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