quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2022

Useless and stupid things governments do

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist
Useless and stupid things governments do
Books on Amazon.com

We all know that the most searched topic in the news is always politics.

Evidently, this subject also provokes many passions and also strong repulsion from people who avoid the unpleasantness of the disagreement that politics provokes, because there are no voids in politics, said Ortega y Gasset, any space abandoned or left unoccupied will quickly be filled by some something for someone, for some ideology, it cannot be omitted because non-decision is also a decision in politics.

So the leaders make decisions and not decisions, as an example of non-decision would be to stop making strategic reserves of fuel, currencies, or stop adjusting tax prices causes a gain for someone for the simple fact of not adjusting salaries, it can cause great upheavals and upheavals.

Let's go to the decisions and not disastrous decisions already seen in humanity by governments and states.

1 - Prohibition in the USA, did not produce the desired effects and caused a wave of crimes and corruption from the police, politics and justice;
2 - Monogamy, since it was imposed on marriages and affected by induction to dating and occasional companionship, everything is linked to the idea that fidelity implies exclusivist behavior, which is not always correct, that when looking for another partner, the reason is always that the other is being left out or being replaced, on the contrary, the new passion can even reinforce the current passion to relax the demands of the single love dependence, and the excessive concern with everything the partner does, ends up leaving great insecurity with each small lack.
3- Prohibited drug use is the biggest mistake that should have been learned from the Prohibition experience, but the lesson was not learned and the mistake was repeated.
4 - Atomic bomb or nuclear bomb, they do not serve to defeat the enemy because they leave a huge radioactive dirt that prevents from occupying the territory of the downed enemy, therefore it is useless because it produces more damage than benefits.
5 - Feminism can cause humanity's greatest catastrophe; it would be like removing the blood from an animal body at once, because men are currently responsible for 100% of humanity's technology and knowledge, responsible for 100% of the security of the armed forces and responsible for 99% of the economy and the great companies; if men are removed immediately there will be an irreparable crisis.
6 - Wind energy, as reliable as rains are for agriculture, just as the weather can be unpredictable and irregular, discontinuous, and inconstant, so if you produce electrical energy from the wind, it produces unavailable and uncertain energy.
7 - Money, which was created in China, through fabric yarn banknotes, replacing or joining the coins that before money coins were quoted by weight in valuable material such as gold or silver, with the introduction of money painted with a Written value was a major breakthrough for fraud, forgery, inflation and devaluation.
8 - Space travel, despite being announced as inevitable, has insurmountable technological and physiological difficulties, to start a colony you need at least 300 human specimens to avoid endo-parental genetic crossing, you need a trillionaire amount of financial resources to have as results almost nothing scientifically, economically, socially, without being able to guarantee the survival of even a small team on any other planet or moons of planets.
9 - Elections of deputies, senators, councilors, governors, presidents is as smart as electing the director of a company or a pilot of an airplane and a vessel, for that you need to verify the certification of the pilot and the company director but for president of the republic, it is enough to be popular and a lot of demagogic talk.
10 – Compulsory public education is a waste in the face of boys and girls who neither want nor would like to study, not everyone deserves the privilege and the State does not need everyone to be educated at any level of schooling.
11 – Technology is such a fungible asset that obsolescence is not material due to fatigue or wear, only the bakelite disc where songs were recorded was replaced by discs made of vinyl plastic, in 1950, already in 1960 the tapes appeared of polyethylene for magnetic recording, replaced by the small k7 tapes, and soon the k7 tapes were replaced by the compact disc, the CD, which was replaced by the DVD, from the vinyl record needle to the magnetic heads we passed to the laser beam and from there to the pen drive, and finally, in 2018, for the streamer, which is a virtual, invisible, immaterial, impermanent support. This is what happened with the video industry, which started with cellulose films, and in 70mm, 35mm, 16mm, 8mm formats, if evomoved to the home system Betamax, and VHS, and replaced by the DVD when the video sets with seven heads were still in the last installments of the payment slips of the buyers of huge video tape reproduction systems, comes the DVD and soon after the pen drives and portability to any computer support via streamer and download.
Cell phones and personal computers have experienced an overwhelming technological race in hardware and software going from operating systems by DOS or OS mnemonics to the fully interactive Windows system through icons dragged on the screen by the mouse or touchpad, and touchscreen, with screens of interactive contact and reaching smart cell phones that have become versions of pocket computers, or handheld with laptops, notebooks, palmtops, tablets, so investing time and money in the virtual industry is like chasing the wind, so all the technology the last five years will be totally scrapped.
12 – Private ownership of vehicles is only justified by subjective utilitarian satisfaction, because ownership ends with obsolescence, wear and tear, an accident, or the death of the owner, so acquiring real estate or vehicles is as useless and unnecessary as feeding all the days to feel hungry and thirsty the next day, we do this perhaps to give continuity to the financial system that feeds on itself to survive in an autophagic way, feeding on its own entrails.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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