sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2022

Alexandre de Moraes and political censorship

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist
Alexandre de Moraes and political censorship
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The old political censorship is the Siamese sister of Victorian Puritanism, and as old as human civilization.

For those who don't know, Alexandre de Moraes is the minister of the highest court of justice in Brazil who condemned a federal deputy named Silveira for having pronounced criticism against the highest court of justice in Brazil.

The so-called democracy initiated by the Greeks or the Romans with the name of republic ends up confusing us with the idea of ​​freedom of opinion and freedom of legally admitted behavior.

A shame for libertarian Greece and worshiped by intellectuals who never read Plato and Aristotle and who swear they read Socrates who never wrote anything, after all, reading the classics is as boring as reading the holy bible.

After six years as an undergraduate and master's student in Political Science, I could hardly believe that of almost all the professors who passed through the classrooms I attended and the lectures and seminars at UnB, only one of the professors proved to have read Plato and Aristotle, since I read some doctoral theses approved by boards formed by the highest holders of Brazil, Europe and the EU, all without exception fell in the test of the false reader of Plato and Aristotle, the test consists of asking which is the best work of Socrates, and when the sentence is stated most famous of political scientist that the great Churchill said that "the least worst of the worst political regimes is democracy", none of these knows that the phrase is not Churchill's, it is Plato's and it is in the book written by Aristotle Plato's Republic .

Yes, Socrates never wrote any books, Plato's thoughts were written in books written by Aristotle, and only Aristotle was the only one in the sequence who can write his own book with his ideas.

Why was Socrates condemned by Alexandre de Moraes in his time?

What Alexandre de Moraes did, censoring ideas contrary to his convictions, was the same thing that caused Socrates to be sentenced to death for teaching revolutionary and subversive ideas that attacked freedom and democracy, according to the evaluation of Alexandre de Moraes from Greece his time, so Alexandre de Moraes de Sócrates' solution was the death penalty, after all, it was fashionable not to wear electronic anklets or call the federal police in Athens.

So the political censorship caused Plato's ideas to be revealed by his student Aristotle so as not to infuriate Alexandre de Moraes of ancient Greece, that's why Plato's ideas appear by Aristotle's hand, and for the same reason Socrates' ideas were published by his student Plato because of the threat of Alexandre de Moraes persecuting Socrates and Plato.

Plato's gosh writer was Aristotle, Socrates' gosh writer was Plato and in this way he avoided the wrath of intolerant persecutors zealous for the preservation of democracy and freedom of expression.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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