sábado, 23 de abril de 2022

Alvin Toffler trilogy summary:

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist

Books on Amazon.com

Alvin Toffler trilogy summary:

In the conflict that will be fought, the great battles will not be over control of sources of raw materials, energy, etc., but will be over the protection of industrial property, over the control and right of access to databases, over control and right of access to communication channels, on the domain of intelligent product and service markets.

 No, technology is not an asset, nor is it an intellectual capital or strategic power core of any state and any new era.

Toffler's mistake is not knowing philosophy, mainly Phenomenology, and its mathematical face, Quantum Physics.

Had Toffler been a formal academic researcher, he would have used the epistemology of scientific knowledge, especially the discussion initiated by the refutationism of the sociologist and physicist Karl Popper.

The most fungible and volatile, impermanent and temporary merit good, which is disposable and transitory, is precisely the characteristic of scientific knowledge that is the basis of technological knowledge.

Everything changes in science, and in technology, therefore, no one can stand on knowledge or on the hegemony of the paradigmatic stage of knowledge, since everything that is up to date will just be garbage and outdated within 50 years, and then a new layer of scientific base will be shifted to other countries and regions transforming all the cutting edge technology into carts as happened when they started to produce cars in the USA in series and there were pending registration applications around 2010 patent applications for horseshoe models for horses, and none of the wagon makers became automobile makers.

I imagine that within 30 years the US will be the largest open-air junkyard in the world with so many obsolete aircraft doors and stealth aircraft that were produced in absurd quantities to be useless in the face of technologies that will transform them into archery like there was the era of the polished stone that ended not because of lack of raw materials, but because of the invention of gunpowder cannons, so our nuclear weapons will only be arquebuses.

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