segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2022

Globalism, conspiracy theory?!

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist
Globalism, conspiracy theory?!
Books on

Globalism, Conspiracy

Congratulations on the review, Mr. Marcelo Rossi, is consistent with the facts and seems quite logical while the evidence corroborates your understanding.

As you yourself know, the facts you describe seem believable, but the weak point of your analysis is the total absence of material evidence, audio and video recordings proving this conspiracy. Only that?

Not so.

People who are not political scientists are unaware of where the real power of any country in the world lies.

The core of any state's power lies in the very delicate balance between parliament and the other powers.

Who controls the government is the parliament, whether in Stalin's time, where the central committee of the Bolshevik Party with the people's delegates ratifying the untimely decisions of the dictator Stalin, knowing that Stalin sought first to control the Duma deputies, and then, most concern was to control opponents. First control allies, then opponents.

So you ask me if Xin Jin Pin's power doesn't have absolute power? Neither Stalin ever had absolute power, nor Hitler, nor Putin, nor Trump, nor Mao Zedong, nor Kim Jon Um.

The demonstration of this is that the purges carried out by Stalin against his own communist coreligionists were to ward off threats coming from the popular bases and representatives of the communes and the capillary power structure from the thousands of directories of the rank and file committees of disciplined militants to the top. of the Duma of the representatives of the proletariat, workers and peasants.

This entire structure exists democratically and in a disciplined way from the base to the top from the early days of the Russian revolution, to the State of North Korea, the Democratic Republic of China with its 5000 deputies, and obviously in all other so-called republican countries.

In what way does parliament control the government and how does it coexist with the country's government directed and represented by the figure of the prime minister, or the president, or the collegiate of executive power?

Anyone who knows the working mechanisms of parliaments knows their power to control the agenda, accept and reject orders, decrees and laws created by the executive branch.

The only power of the executive is to spend money, this power neither the parliament has nor the judiciary.

That said, it is worth dissecting the highly complex bureaucratic mechanisms of the functioning of parliament, where no deputy or senator alone can do anything. All parties depend on majorities, whether simple or qualified.

To obtain this majority, the USA spends 6 million dollars in payments of lobbies for each deputy, in Brazil it used the monthly allowance, so to make the parliament act according to the will of the executive power Kim Jon One needs to shoot some parliamentarian periodically to keep their intimidation and seeming that the delegates of the people of the proletarian population are leading and supporting the government.

That said, I don't see how the deep state achieves more than what it is already doing to interfere in the national state, much more difficult to get evidence that it would be extrapolating the national state to impose its agenda.

So the conspiracy theory of globalism is nothing more than irrational speculation.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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