quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2022

religion of hate

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist

religion of hate

There is a version of the bible, especially in the new testament, where it teaches, simply, a hatred on the part of God where all human beings who do not like Him are threatened and will be punished for eternity in the eternal fire of hell.

I was a boy of only 11 years old, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in the poor neighborhood of Guadalupe located between the neighborhoods of Deodoro, Nilópolis, Marechal Hermes, Bangu, when I converted to the religious system represented by the Baptist Church XV de Novembro, for fear of being condemned to hell fire with the devil satan and his evil angels.

The greatest psychic violence any child could be subjected to, together with another as great as this, which was the threat of 30-minute atomic Armageddon from the flight of a handful of intercontinental ballistic missiles crossing the northern hemisphere from west to east between the USSR and the USA, humanity was extinct this was a threat against which no ordinary citizen could react.

I saved myself from panic because I was a boy of 140 Intelligence Quotient test points, and physics saved me from panic, as I realized that such a smoldering inferno burning the disembodied souls, therefore, was a quantum impossibility, nothing can be done. to burn eternally without being consumed, therefore, without a nervous system, there would be no way to feel any pain or suffering, so the idea of ​​hell was an impossibility, but doubting that was also an impossibility of continuing to be a good Christian.

This doctrinal philosophical and theological paradox about the hermeneutics of God's word haunted me during my youth, but it saved me from the panic and suicidal madness common among evangelicals and Catholics who wish to follow holy scripture.

It was much later, about fifty years, that I realized in the scriptures themselves, rereading the book of the Acts of the Apostles, that I noticed many clues that the holy book of Christians would be the very way out of this impasse.

I found out that Christ was never a Christian, because he died without reading the new testament and never left Galilee, therefore, going to preach Christianity to everyone never left the words of jesus because jesus is not the writer of any biblical letter and he never wrote his gospel , therefore, never revised the writings of Paul, Luke, and Peter, therefore, this authority of the new testament attested by the new testament itself is nothing but a poetic permission.

Simple, nothing that is written in the new testament contributes to the belief about Christianity, because Peter's testimony is nothing more than a delusion, a dream, and not a word or revelation from God, as it is written there in the Acts of the Apostles. , therefore, any interpretation beyond the texts even in the most extensive and misrepresented and corrupted translations can hide the truth that the bible is only serving the manipulators since Peter and mainly by emperors and popes like Constantine and the bishops of his timeline that determined the composition of the 88 books of the Ethiopian bible, or the 76 books of the bible of the orthodox catholic church, or the 73 books of the roman catholic bible, the 66 books of the protestant bible.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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