domingo, 30 de outubro de 2022

We don't need more brave fools, we need sensible cowards in the world.

It's the victim's fault

With all due respect to the suffering of the people who chose a comedian to challenge Russia, it would be like Mexico allowing the Russians to install anti-ballistic missiles, radar stations or even military bases.... kkkkkkk A country is invaded, crushed, and yet Flat-Earthers remain ephroric with Ukraine's resistance, which at best will never hurt Russia and will be mired in guerrillas and trenches. It wasn't aggression, it was prevention. We must thank Russia for the intervention, because if NATO had been in Kiev the Russians would probably have destroyed NATO from Brussels to London, that would be the third in the world.
We don't need more brave fools, we need sensible cowards in the world.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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