domingo, 15 de setembro de 2024

The total immersion effect: from “president” to “children”

The total immersion effect: from “president” to “children”

Self-plagiarizing my concept of immersion, the content of which is in another post, I said that immersion in a reality prevents us from perceiving other contexts outside our vision of reality.
It is like a fish that is incapable of imagining another world outside the ocean; there is nothing outside the sea water that could make sense to an immersed fish, and a jump out of the water proves this.
Plato’s famous cave phenomenon, over 2,500 years old, only inspired this and other versions of the cave myth; people only understand their world based on their own experiences: it would be phenomenology, or alienation, a Kantian mental prison, or that of Schopenhause or Husserl.
I, – sorry for the solipsism – only realized how limited I was in understanding religious thought when I stopped being a Baptist, the only religion I knew from birth until I was 19 years old; The first time I entered a Catholic church, a cathedral in Brasília, to take a course for grooms, at the request of the priest to perform the Catholic wedding ceremony to fulfill the wishes of my Catholic fiancée, I felt violated and violated, however, love made me swallow a different idea that was foreign to my religious feelings, but I left there about 44 years ago with a new disruptive awareness, the breaking of a reality and a model.
I only realized the ridiculousness of vegetarianism or the vegan diet when I abandoned this practice simply because it was not practical to look for such restrictive foods and scare people, friends and relatives by putting up an artificial and antisocial barrier because of a diet that I convinced myself to follow by reading books and magazines, none of them scientific with evidence and bioscientific and medical research proving the qualities of that purely philosophical and ritual diet, devoid of scientific content. It was only when I stopped being a socialist that I realized the extraordinary manipulation of literature such as Marx's Capital, which, without demonstrating anything in practice about the origin of the expensive statutes of communism with the theses of private property originating from a robbery, or the theory of working classes for themselves and in themselves that represent nothing in practice since any cohort groups are and will always be heterogeneous. Practice has proven that the female working class needed to make its feminist revolution encouraged by the new left, that African workers are not the same class as workers in the European Union, that manual workers divide and clash with each other, stimulating an endless rivalry between manual workers and intellectuals, artists, athletes, petty bourgeoisie, brokers of heads and workers, between Uber drivers and IFOOD workers. There are so many possibilities that Marx would be surprised if he were resurrected in our era. He would be ashamed of what he wrote about the exploitation of capitalist labor given the costs of creating a job and maintaining the globalized logistics chain. How much nonsense! Marxian!
You only realize the nonsense when you have a methodological distance after the rite of passage and the alienation and methodological distance to reanalyze reality as Malinowiski did to understand the Kulla and Potlatsh in the Trobliand Islands of Indonesia. The cult of ignorance of ideological absolutism of thought enclosed by fanaticism has no cure, only self-cure through voluntary and unnatural alienation with self-censorship and abrupt and total rupture, without gradualism, just breaking and abandoning as hundreds of people did who, faced with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the USSR, still insist on seeing China as a model that worked in socialism and communism, while others burned their entire literature, as I saw a university professor at the University of Brasília say goodbye to his Marxist collection and lament the 60 years spent with all the communist nonsense, but the relief of dumping hundreds of books in the second-hand bookshops at the central bus station in Brasília was the most eloquent ceremony that a young person has ever allowed himself to witness, the greatest lesson for many that day. “Of the files of this soil you are a gentle mother”, sing the followers of “president” Dilma who created disruptive social genres from ideosyncratic constructs, expanding the categories that should be dialectical and opposed to Marxist theory, increasing the confusion to dissolve society in the struggle of discourses or, with Gramsci, agreed to call it a war of hegemonic opinion position. So that’s right!

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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