sábado, 21 de setembro de 2024

Two Great Frustrations of Humanity: AI and Religion

Two Great Frustrations of Humanity: AI and Religion

A narrative for the rapidly approaching future would be the great inevitable frustration that emerges with expectations regarding the not-so-new Artificial Intelligence (AI), where humanity's great hopes are naively placed at this moment.

Two domains of digital electronic computing are confused for those who are not familiar with digital hardware and digital software.

Since the first digital electronic computers were created, the first applications were for calculations. Computing means: classifying, organizing, recognizing patterns, and performing arithmetic, algebraic, and Gaussian set operations.

None of this requires the creation of mathematical formulas and unpredictable algorithms; everything in software and hardware is completely determined and deterministic, unlike the human mind.

What we call AI is nothing more than a manipulation of human semantics previously organized and stored in disciplinary reference frames within each domain of the specific discipline of human knowledge, thus AIs make articulations of pre-defined domains semantically defined within all the scopes hierarchically defined by previously programmed algorithms.

No AI scientist expects to be surprised by some discovery or invention from AI algorithms that are not controlled by known and accepted laws because the AI ​​test that would never be solved would be: a) the creation of a new theorem in Mathematics or Physics; b) the solution of Eudoxus' paradox for the movement of the arrow; c) an answer to a question that was not previously prepared.

Dreamy people hope that a machine intelligent enough to overcome the three challenges will never happen because the human mind surpasses itself by creating things from non-existent bases, this is the big difference between humans and any algorithm created by humans: to validate an answer, the AI ​​algorithm always repeats previously stored information, and this infinite regress prevents AIs from being human or superior to humans.

Humanity's other frustration with religion comes from the same reasoning applied to AI, since all sacred books and all religions were human creations, therefore, all the lessons and answers of religion are already part of religious principles, therefore, an infinite regression, a cumulative circular thinking.

When we extrapolate the most integrated applications in computing with engineering design and simulation software systems, we begin an era where human beings cannot compete with computers. Before this generation of CAD Computer Aids Design, and CAM Computer Aids Manufacturing, and manufacturing machines such as numerical lathes and robotization in industrial manufacturing, computers far surpassed human capacity because the managerial intelligence of the software allows repetition and decision alternatives previously thought out in an extremely precise, exact, complex set that human beings cannot compete with in speed and accuracy.

An interesting fact to note is that in the entire Bible there is not a single date and time marking the moment of any event in any of its narratives, it does not mark either the day of Jesus' birth or his death; Contrary to all historical facts, which are always marked by dates on the calendar, historical. The most important dates in the Bible were not revealed by God: a) Date of the creation of the world; b) Date of the flood of Noah's ark; c) Date of the birth of Jesus. These three dates would be enough to give credibility to the biblical narrative. This alone would be enough to disqualify the entire Bible as a record or document, where more or less identified authors are mixed with others considered anonymous authors; do we have to trust and believe without even knowing who wrote it, in those fragments of blurred parchment? A book of the most important record of science precisely explaining the creation of the universe and species? Where is the list of the names of all the animals named by the biologist Adam? "And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field; Gen 2:21". This list is not in the Bible. Of Noah's ark: “19 And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every kind shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female. 20 Of fowl after their kind, and of beast after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every kind shall come unto thee, to keep them alive. 21 And take with thee of all food that is eaten, and gather it for thee; and it shall be for food, both for thee and for them.” This was the measure of this boat: “14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; and rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and pitch it within and without with pitch. 15 And this is how thou shalt make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, and the width of the ark fifty cubits. its width is thirty cubits, and its height is thirty cubits. 16 You shall make a window in the ark, and finish it one cubit at the top; and you shall put the door of the ark in its side; you shall make it stories, lower, second and third.” Is this believable? All the species of the earth and the food for each of them, remembering that felines eat only fresh bleeding meat. They all drink a lot of water, God forgot to recommend this. So Noah would need a checklist with the names of all the animals, and the list of all the food for each species. Where did this list go in the Bible? This entire Jewish-Arab war is based on the Torah, and, therefore, these proud people are trying to fulfill the prophecies of obsessed people who are in the religious fable of this book.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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