domingo, 10 de abril de 2022


Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist
Books on

What is the logical predicate of a situation or circumstance?

Everything has a logical meaning to be an intelligible message.

When we say something, we always say it about something substantive.

So for the meaning of the message to be perfectly decoded, the messenger or sender needs to say something, and that thing or subject needs a predicate that contains the information that describes the thing being said, or what being it is talking about, or who it is talking to, this predicate changes the addressee's expectation and eliminates any doubt as to the qualities expressed about the thing spoken, so a good message can always be fully understood because it has an object and its predicate.

The car measures 4 meters. It is a complete message because it has the object and its predicate.

Saying that the car is big is not a complete message, because the predicate of the thing is a subjective evaluation and does not contain information but only an imprecise impression about the predicate referring to the size of the car, which may be large for the interlocutor but may be small to the recipient of the message, then the information is no longer accurate, like the first version.

Negation of negation, when we affirm and deny in the same sentence because of a misused predicate.

When we say that someone is an atheist, we say that we believe in the existence of a deity denied by the atheist. The atheist cannot be self-declared an atheist, because the predicate of not believing in the divinity, or the predicate of believing in the non-existence of the divinity, presupposes the denied divinity, therefore, it would be an impossible self-declaration that I am dead, for example, the dead do not can declare himself dead, therefore, the atheist can say nothing about himself without admitting the existence of something he denies exists or believes, the self-declaration of atheism is a denial of denial, a slip, a fallacy of begging the question.

Just as life after death is the negation of death itself, so there is no death, for to have life one cannot be dead, so the soul is a fallacy of predicate about the afterlife, if it is life not it can be after death because life after death cancels out life is no longer death, therefore, after death there can only be death because life after death is the negation of death.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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