quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2024

The best asset in the global financial system of all time

The best asset in the global financial system of all time

What would be the best and most valuable financial asset in the world of all time?

Unfortunately, the best and most valuable asset of all time, which has no value and cannot be blocked by governments in an absolute way and which can hardly be valued in monetary terms, although it can be reduced but can never be increased, cannot be purchased , cannot be sold and cannot be exchanged for any other asset.

When a loss of any material, financial asset, or any other good or heritage is imposed, it can never be compensated or remedied because the loss of the biggest and best asset in the world is always definitive, nothing can compensate or pay for what was lost in this way. type of asset, which cannot be measured or fractionated, cannot be multiplied and which is inexorable.

When trying to compensate for the loss of this type of asset through legal means, nothing can be done to undo the loss, nor to restore the loss of utility, nor to compensate for this loss, much less to undo the bad or unsuccessful deal.

So everyone has already discovered at this point in the text the asset that cannot be traded, cannot be saved, invested, stored or protected, because it flows from the dialectics as Hieraclitus discovered, time only flows in the direction of the future, which The past cannot be repeated, the future cannot be anticipated and the present is the only real thing in this asset.

And this mysterious asset is simply time.

You cannot compensate for a lost election with another election won in another term in the future, because everything has changed, the date is not the same, people have changed, circumstances have changed and as one of the axioms of game theory says, a game never ends. repeat, the players already know how each other will play and the tactics are already known, wars are never repeated, politicians should know that, elections are never repeated, um, Microsoftware will never use the cocaine dealer's strategy again. offering the first dose for free to get the addict addicted, the strategies of General Motors and Volkswagen to deceive competitors and steal customers will no longer work because Stellantis has already learned the repertoire of market strategies of its main competitors, nothing can be repeated in the universe, says another axiom of dialectics.

Time cannot be bought, nor sold, nor stretched, nor shortened, everything has its development cycle, deadlines need to be respected from the baby stage, childhood to youth, adulthood and then old age, nothing can be avoided neither early nor late, a very hard lesson to learn, you can't learn anything in life through experience, because mistakes are definitive, nothing we do can be reproduced, nor corrected, nor improved, nor erased, nor compensated, it's like virginity cannot be taken back, when you lose your virginity it is only once, and you can never be a virgin again, like pregnancy where you are pregnant or not in a state of pregnancy, there is no such thing as a bit pregnant.

The people who passed through our lives are definitely there in our memory and in our lived experience, they cannot be erased from the past with all the consequences, losses and advantages.

Time is humanity's greatest asset, so never waste time on experiences because there is no rehearsal in life, everything passes and cannot come back to be understood or learned, so suck the experience of others, read everything you can and learn everything you can learn to get it right the first time every time.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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