domingo, 8 de setembro de 2024

Big business

Big business

Another Sunday and the master conjurers on the stage called evangelical pastors from the pulpits have once again managed to rekindle the hopes of the same passive but not so innocent merchants, members or sheep of the evangelical pastors.

Not so innocent because they believe they are making a great and very profitable deal to get ahead of their neighbors, friends, and relatives on Monday with only ten percent of their monthly income and a few offers can exponentially increase their chances in the world of uncertainty and manipulating chance and people's luck by changing judicial decisions in the judges' souls, altering the results of soccer games so that their favorite team becomes champion, guaranteeing a new job and a promotion at work and activity, guaranteeing a new car and a paid-off house, impeccable health, and wealth in addition to a loving lover in a happy and stable marriage with blessed children. Who wouldn't like to be sure that all of this comes at a very good and interesting price?

So it is no longer enough to blame the pastors, priests, clergymen, sorcerers and manipulators of sentimental, emotional and spiritual fraud if the victims themselves understand that they are deceiving and negotiating with the spiritual beings who receive the favors of sacrifice of prayers and prayers, plus a little money and their lives are shielded from all evils and misfortunes.
Both sides continue to deceive and delude themselves because nothing happens and yet thousands of years pass and the only hope of overcoming the imponderable of chance in the unknowable world of luck still cannot be understood or manipulated because no religion has managed to gain the key to access the spiritual world nor can it govern the laws of the universe, but it is better not to risk it... Just in case...

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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