quarta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2024

Raiam Santos Effect, YouTube influencer

Raiam Santos Effect, YouTube influencer

McLuhan and Andy Warhol predicted the instantaneous effect of ephemeral and immediate things and personalities as defining characteristics of the 20th century, which could be expanded to the 21st century.

Everything is immediate and instantaneous, fleeting and therefore disposable, useless, fungible for fast food consumption.

Nothing is permanent and immanent, everything comes from nothing and goes to nothing, contradicting the law of entropy, where nothing comes from nothing and nothing returns to nothing, everything is transformed in some way from something previous, the principle of continuity and the transformation of the universe from matter to energy and energy to matter, on the contrary, events, fads, and technology are self-destructive according to Schumpeter's law, obsolescence is already programmed since the birth and invention of modern objects.

Nothing is more ephemeral than a new technology with a shelf life of at most ten years. Few things survive two decades. Aircraft worth more than 300 million dollars become obsolete in just over fifteen years. After twenty years, they need to be recycled and repowered. They are soon surpassed by disruptive innovative technologies and strategies. In the Armenian war, drones transformed aircraft into an expensive and ineffective idea. Unmanned drones are thousands of times cheaper than the very expensive and costly warplanes. They require military pilots to attend piloting universities at a cost of two million dollars, and at least two years to begin their skills in controlling complex navigation systems and combat strategies. Everything went down the drain in a simple skirmish between Armenia and Azerbaijan in 2023, showing the uselessness of the latest zero-point technology. The superficiality of internet advisors known as influencers is exactly and emblematically reflected in the proliferation of audiobooks, so popular with influencer Raiam dos Santos, who promises to read or listen to one hundred of these e-books in a year, when the uselessness and futility of the excess of information in the 21st century does not allow people to be distressed by the flood of useless information created and publicized in the century of digital media, where more information is produced in a single day today than in all previous centuries of humanity since the library of Alexandria, since the Bible was compiled into canons more than 1700 years ago, that immense book - a little smaller than the Vedas of the Indians - were gigantic books that took more than 40 centuries to compose. Raiam dos Santos' advice is for quick, superficial and immediate consumption, instantaneous without depth, like his life as a virtual and real nomad, traveling through hundreds of countries without delving into the general culture of each one, gathering impressions from a boy dazzled by cultural diversity as an unauthorized amateur anthropologist, trampling over the myth of immersion and the participant observation phase through the essential rite of passage instrumentalized by specialized scientific research methods specific to social anthropology, thus reinventing what has already been invented in social research to revive superficial and frivolous obviousness for true social science, just summer curiosities, when he goes to another hotel room to reflect on empirical experiences without the parameterized metrics of social research. When she talks about her favorite subject, it is clear that there has been no deepening of relationships in her life, when a couple of people of the same sex or of both sexes need time to discover each other and take a qualitative leap in their relationships, when intimacy to flourish in its fullness requires a few good years of relaxation and trust between partners, this period being extremely flexible. I, at least, needed ten years of relationship for my partner to show her most hidden serious character defects, carefully hidden by her until they surfaced in an explosion of screams and shouts, releasing all her hidden load of fury, authoritarianism and intolerance, and in the sexual field her fullness hidden in fears and frustrations that nullified her hidden beauty of her sensuality obliterated by the tragedy of her adolescence when she was raped by the family godfather, a married man who was certain that none of her relatives would be able to believe what he did to that girl every time her parents left her under his care. guard, even though she had appealed hundreds of times and reported the groping and sexual harassment in vain, because it was so absurd that no one could believe that reductio ad absurdum. It took her more than ten years to have a normal and full sexual attitude in our 16-year relationship.
My first wife needed five years of marriage to reach sexual fulfillment.
A counselor who has never had a lover growth with a single unique woman despite the hundreds of people who have passed through his life quickly and that requires military aviator training to get the most out of a relationship, Raiam who boasts of jumping from vagina to vagina and only experiences women with an extremely beautiful external appearance does not even suspect that a good sexual partner has nothing to do with physical appearance, in fact it must be the opposite of that: narcissism and vanity hinder emotional and consequently sexual surrender, things that are achieved in a stage of time that Raiam Santos has never experienced, this process consumes the most expensive and valuable input of humanity called time: time cannot be bought by the richest people in the universe nor sold, Bill Gates or Elon Musk cannot buy a single minute of life nor sell time, time flows the same for all humans, it is the most democratic good of all, and it takes time to savor life, sex, friendship, love, passion and wealth, with wisdom that comes with time, and Raiam Santos has not yet had time to understand this.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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