segunda-feira, 9 de setembro de 2024

How to protect humanity from the planetary transition?

How to protect humanity from the planetary transition?

We are on the threshold of a spiritual transition in humanity, which includes the fall of the greatest brutal empire in the history of all civilizations, but not far from its rivals, the USSR of the past, and contemporary China, but not relative to its contemporaries, keeping the due proportions, be they temporal, technological, geopolitical and cultural. We have had empires that were over 3,000 years old, over 800 years old and almost 1,000 years old, and the American era has not even reached its 100th anniversary and is already saying goodbye in a precarious way, and this is the reason for this warning.

I am a professor of research techniques and scientific methodology and, honestly, I even think that guesswork can also be one of the scientific methods, but everything requires a minimum of known facts and some theory to support the most extravagant theses; Even the famous Einstein doubted quantum mechanics from the beginning and, on his authority, the US Senate banned this non-Christian science which, in Einstein's initial observation, was "ghostly": where have you ever seen something other than a particle pass through two parallel slits at the same time?
But we can't argue with the facts; we have found it easy to swallow much more fantastical things that have not required proof, such as: a) the BIGBANG thesis and; b) the theory of the origin and evolution of species; that no laboratory in the world can create or alter a line of species, genus, phylum, but we still defend something bizarre that was invented before the discovery of DNA or the James Webb telescope.
So: where are the facts, my people?
The fact is that the USA will not leave the first position of world power without leaving the earth scorched; there will be no substitute for the economy and military and political power of the USA. WWF warned 40 years ago that it is not possible to maintain the level of consumption of the USA, which alone consumed 40% of all the oil produced in the world forty years ago, produced half of humanity's automobiles, consumed 30% of all the drinking water on Earth, and produced half of the planet's energy. These numbers have changed drastically. Today, China produces three times more cement than the USA. It produces 30 million automobiles per year, while the USA produces 8 million automobiles per year. China produces 30 warships per year, while the USA produces two military ships per year. It produces cell phones for Motorola, Apple, Dell, and IBM. So China is already the number one power. It produces 1.2 million mathematicians per year (training engineers, statisticians, physicists, and chemists). The USA trains 210,000 mathematicians per year, while Russia alone trains 510,000 per year, and India trains 850,000 per year. The technological race is already lost to the USA. The technological failures in engineering are embarrassing the USA with failed models due to lack of engineers, BOEING hired 2000 aeronautical engineers from EMBRAER Brazil in one fell swoop to solve the problems of air accidents with the B737-10 MAX and B777 models, and the embarrassment of not being able to put and take its astronauts out of the space station for almost ten years after the embarrassment with the explosions of the Challenger and Columbia space shuttles in front of more than 7 billion TV viewers of the internet civilization around the world, now it cannot face the modern intercontinental missiles carrying hypersonic glide warheads on the Russian Sarmat transporter with its Avangard, it is just disappointment saved only by the still monopoly of the companies Google, Amazon, Tesla, Facebook, Instagram, Meta, Oracle, Microsoft, Apple that still remain from the spoils of the past era of pioneering and strength but already have Chinese companies SMC 4 nm nanometric microprocessors on its heels, like BYD destroying Tesla's reputation and market, the Chinese space station with the tayconauts, the Chinese high-speed trains, and there is little left to decree the fall of the empire, which does not want to surrender with its 827 military bases spread across 97 nations around the world, with a perimeter of incalculable size to garrison and maintain surveillance and the extremely costly and complex logistics with its 137 military satellites in orbit to monitor, plot and scan everything that moves on the surface of the earth, the amount of information and observations and espionage of every cell phone on earth, all messages exchanged, is burying and drowning in a mountain of information that will be yet another ingredient for the earthquake or tsunami of things that will implode the evil empire. The USA would rather destroy humanity than pass its position to another nation, they want the third nuclear world war to make the universal reset of humanity and civilization leaving the rubble of their caves and bunkers carefully planned since the 1950s.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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