sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2022

just getting in the way

just getting in the way

The USA hides from its little Brazilian partner, honorary member of NATO, friend of the USA, unconditional ally, eternal supporter, compulsive submissive, Brazil, just when it imagined that with the Military Agreement, with the technological partnership just made to steal the technology of hypersonics , and composite armor for tanks, so Brazilians tend to be very gullible, they believe in Bishop Edir Macedo, they believe in the STF, they believe in the PT, they also believe that the best job in the world is to wash dishes in a restaurant in Miami, even being a master in economics, as the USA believes itself to be the center of the universe, being the country with the best democracy in the world, which is going to prevent Brazil from completing its nuclear submarine doesn't even realize that it will only irritate Brazilians and delay but not will prevent, just as the centrifuges that were denied to Brazil allowed Brazilians to create a brilliant and much more effective process of producing enriched uranium.

But there will be Brazilians who still believe in the strong friendship between Brazil and the USA, no matter what they do with their allies in Europe, be it humiliating France with Australia, or abandoning British and German soldiers in Afghanistan, or looking for the thugs of the past. like Venezuela and Iran to replace Russian oil, or inviting Nazi Germany right after the second world war to found NATO, nothing will convince a person of faith, who wants to believe what he wants.

I would just like to understand Washington's logic, it won't stop anything, it just shows ill will and arrogance, Brazil will finish the nuclear vessels of the naval reactor sooner or later, the only loser will be the USA and the bananas suck up to the Americans, who will always believe in Edir Macedo and the PT as the most loyal and honest party in the world.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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