quarta-feira, 23 de março de 2022

The uselessness of the title of Doctor of Theology

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist

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Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist

Books on Amazon.com

The uselessness of the title of Doctor of Theology

Sorry Drs but studying theology, at the PHD level, or in History, ends up falling into the criticism of Historicity, which any History student has to deal with.
Contemporary history is full of myths and different readings, we don't even know if Hitler died or committed suicide; we don't know who first discovered the AIDS virus, whether it was the Luis Pasteur Institute in Paris or the Gallup in New York; we do not know whether it was Santos Dumont, or the Wright Brothers or Clement Ader or Otho Lilliental who first flew in an airplane; we don't know if the military in Brazil usurped power in 1964 or if it was the communists who assaulted democracy with communist, subversive revolutionary actions; we do not know whether the day of victory in the Second World War is the American and Western date of June 6, 1944 or the Soviet May 1, 1945; we do not know who arrived in Brazil first, whether it was Pedro Álvares Cabral or Vincente Pinzón at the mouth of the Amazon River, or two other Portuguese navigators who arrived before April 22, 1500 in the islands of Marajó; we know nothing with certainty about the contemporary history of the French Revolution; not even the war in Vietnam with the narrative of the incident forged in the Gulf of Tonkin.
As for the bible, imagine countering the biblical narrative by comparing it with the very ancient prehistory narrated in tales of legends, fairies and myths of ancient peoples to base themselves on these arguments as weak as the bible itself without even a newspaper, a video, a recording, without a university thesis of the time based on the credibility of a handful of prophetic authors, scribes who were paid by empires to rewrite history full of fabulous heroes (eros) and fabulous conquests, with dates and places that never existed or were changed, or are inaccurate .
I am religious, despite being a political sociologist, professor of physics, analyst of computerized systems, for a single reason: Quantum Physics changed everything I knew about what is reality and what is time. Time does not exist, the real is a subjective mental simulation, exactly as Plato anticipated the phenomenologists, and the phenomenon of the double slit of photons of the Young and Fresnell experiment destroyed all our certainties about reality, we live in a simulation of our mind within a string universe where waves and frequencies reverberate an eternal cycle of matter and energy in infinite time.
Why are atheists so dedicated to studying the Bible? No, they don't want to destroy religion, they want to reify religion through the reductio absurdum, just to prove that epistemological knowledge can reverse unbelief precisely by denying the bible, at the same time that they use the material of the bible itself, as if would be a solution of the differential equation by the inversion method. You can only be a pastor if the guy is an atheist, there is no way to consciously manipulate people's lives in a church if he is not absolutely atheist.
All religions are part of the cultural heritage of humanity, for a very simple reason: animals at different levels achieve a level of intelligence like dolphins, monkeys, cats, who manage to teach their young hunting and survival strategies, or the eternal and monogamous love of swans and penguins, the rules of social ethics of dolphins, or the political and administrative and logistical organization of bees and wasps, therefore no animal has a religion or philosophy, exclusively of humans, not even science is unique to humans, just these two qualities of cognitive domain, invented or not, religion and philosophy, require a degree of abstraction that is too high for other animals.

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