Globalization & Chinarization?
After 30 years of the globalization project, I was already prepared for this debate by mere coincidence, because I had just finished my final paper for my Political Science course at UnB when we began studying the theories of the World System by Emmanuel Wallerstein, which would be an additional explanation of the rational order of the capitalist system.
The World System creates this other alternative perspective to also study the capitalist system from a different perspective than that of Karl Marx, representing the thinking of all those who preceded him - the pre-socialists - in the hypothesis of the atheist version of the Jewish original sin in its materialist version of the sin of humanity created by Judaism, where the devil in Marxism is represented by the capitalist, and sin is represented by wealth, and the act of the sinner before the devil would be represented by his greed, resulting in the punishment that is represented by the oppression of the capitalist class that generates misery in the proletarian class.
The parallel between Judaism and capitalism is not in vain. Marx was Jewish and tended to evaluate the world within the conception of the negation of Judaism, using the dialectical structure of religion to negate religion itself. All the institutes of Marxism are mirrored in the symmetrical structure of Judaism. The Marxist dialectical synthesis demands redemption and the purging of sin, as in Judaism, hence the elimination of capitalists and the sinful property of capital, wealth.
Warleinstein's World System model distributes structural wealth or the superstructure in Marx's conception, which in Walleinstein's model passes from the hands of capitalists directly to the hands of the States at the center of the system, a state represented by the first world. This center expels the dirty companies that pollute the environment to the peripheries and semi-peripheries, which use labor in the primary and secondary sectors.
This World System model is also called the Center-Periphery, where the center produces knowledge of all kinds of intellectual, scientific, technical and artistic disciplines, and extracts royalties, interest and financing.
In this model, the semi-periphery is divided between industrial and commercial producers, distribution and logistics.
At the periphery level, the extraction of raw materials, agriculture and rural products would take place.
At the beginning of the world system, US companies transferred their industries physically to Asia, some of which were replicated companies encouraged by the advantages of lower wages, fewer labor and environmental regulations and a local state social security and health system. By this logic, the advantages multiply and generate positive and negative synesthesias.
One of them was to overcome the distances for transportation and to have access to means of transportation, which were soon also transferred or outsourced, to the point of creating construction companies for means of transportation awarded with the predicates and accessories with the entire production chain, from raw materials, workers, machines, logistics, administration and distribution.
The project failed for several reasons:
1 – there should be an intellectual dependence on engineering projects and a monopoly on knowledge between the center and the periphery;
2 – Guarantee of the inviolability of industrial patents;
3 – Control of the currency exchange, SWIFT, the official language of business; financial flow; commodity price exchange; all banking services, all financing, and the sale of production;
4 – Neoliberalism: the thesis of the minimal state and the elevation of selfish utilitarianism as the only way of mobilizing the economic forces of society capable of leading civilization to improvement.
In European countries, the State was freed from its state-owned companies that supported a structure of privileges for an elite without the counterpart of economic production and that would generate greater efficiency if privatized because of individual ambition and desire for enrichment and the search for satisfaction and pleasure.
What happened: China grew too much and learned to copy patents, began to rival the center of patent creation, took control of the economy by accumulating financial surpluses and is currently the largest creditor of the central countries. The center lost the ability to finance technology creators because of its model that does not encourage engineering culture in the STEM sector, falling behind in the amount of creation and the number of patents.
China's industrial hypertrophy generated technological hypertrophy that made it independent from the center and, generating commercial and financial surpluses, absorbed the center in the so-called Chinarization.
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