terça-feira, 1 de março de 2022

Canada is the next Japan.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist

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Canada is the next Japan.

I don't know if there was a perception, or if it is premeditatedly ignored, or if it is part of globalism or the deep state. I hate conspiracy theories, but it's the fault of secret societies like Freemasonry, Rosicrucian, Mafia, NSA, PCC, Red Command, they need to come out into the daylight and tell us what they want with humanity.

What has been happening to Japan for 22 years, and now it becomes visible in Canada and still submerged in the US?

No one associated cause and effect of the collapse of the androphobic mangina world with the decay of humanity in feminist countries, nor did the emergence of MGTOW make these people take seriously?

Term used in Japan that describes a man who has no interest in marrying or having a romantic relationship.
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Herbs (草食(系)男子 Sōshoku(-kei) danshi?) are a social phenomenon observed in Japan.[1] The word herb means herbivore, in a connotation that this part of the population neither practices nor seeks sex and marriage. This behavior is pointed out in Japanese adults as booming. Like the hikikomori, NEETs and career women (kyariaūman), the Herbs are being blamed for the failure of the Japanese social structure and the new generations of young people have been identified as the "lost generation". [two]

Herbs are usually men in their 30s and 50s who do not marry or seek sexual partners, have a very simple lifestyle, with low-paying jobs and few demands. Despite interacting socially, such men lack initiative, living a frugal and peaceful life, usually in the countryside. They have peculiar interests such as gardening, photography and travel. [3]

Herbs have been referred to as the "hikikomoris that grew up" or the "neets that decided to get off the internet". The causes of the problem have been the same for both groups: high levels of demands from society to succeed in their careers and to submit to women, punishment and social exclusion. It is observed that these individuals migrate from metropolitan areas to small cities with a lot of nature. [4]

The issue of Herbs, Hikikomoris, Neets and career women has been seen as a pronounced disaster for the country. If hikikomori possess behaviors that qualify as mental illness, the Herbs are a legitimate lifestyle and "renunciation" group. It is feared that this generation of young people could lead the country to financial ruin that will not have qualified labor to maintain the 3rd largest GDP in the world. Adding that low birth rates further impact the problem with an aging population on the rise and few young people being born to meet the demand.
 When the male was reduced to uselessness, being condemned of a guilt that never was, to be the executioner of feminist hysteria, because the woman did nothing useful for humanity, then, instead of blaming the male, he should verify that the humiliation began with the female DNA, which endowed the woman with 1 trillion fewer neurons in her brain than the human male brain with 10 trillion fewer neuronal synapses, with a lung and heart with 50% less capacity, with 2.7 liters of blood in the body against 3.5 liters of blood of the male, with the bone density that is 60% lower than the bone density of the macho, who has 40% less muscle building and muscular explosion than the male, and instead of leaving from the real cause of recognition of its inferiority it goes to a frightening speech that can extinguish the human race, with almost zero participation in the mathematical sciences like engineering, physics, chemistry, mathematics, creating absolutely no inventions like the clock, the nuclear submarine, the clips, the television, the camera, the cell phone, psychology, philosophy, nothing at all, invented nothing and now it is at the forefront and in the leading role of human civilization, right now in the middle of the Ukrainian war again only Are male men placed to defend with a simple rifle the homeland invaded by Russia's foreign military force?
 What the fuck huh!

In their superior intelligence, men decided to boycott this society that humiliates and rejects them with androphobic laws against themselves indirectly, and refuses to be productive, so North American engineering was the first sector to perceive and feel the lack of men willing to working for a society that rejects and devalues ​​and humiliates them just for being too good to compete against incompetent women.

The government of Canada's campaign to capture absent-minded men as immigrants, as Australia is trying, does not go ahead, because when they arrive they will feel how men are treated by a feminist society full of anti-male hatred. They will discover that it is a crime to be a man there.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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