terça-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2025

What is the cause of the wealth of individuals and not of nations?

What is the cause of the wealth of individuals and not of nations?

Since the Industrial Revolution in Manchester and Liverpool in the 19th century, no landless peasant has had a share in the wealth, keeping the leftovers in the synesthesia of progress shared in the urban slums where poverty evolved from absolute to relative.

It makes no sense for billionaires to exist in a society to improve the overall level of well-being.

Wealth is not distributed autonomously, it makes no sense to think that a rich State improves the lives of its population through synesthesia, the effort does not translate directly to everyone.

The only process that has yielded results was the EBES Social Welfare State based on tax distribution and a ceiling on wealth, and not the elimination of the rich, but the elimination of the poor.

Socialism and Communism violate the right to property and severely limit freedom, taking human beings to two extremes:

1 - apathy due to the lack of selfish motivation for progress and vanity and the differentiation of human capabilities and extraordinary talents of exceptional people who do not fit into the average; and

2 - on the other hand, it can cause revolt and sabotage in the political system in view of the severe conditions of social control of freedom of opinion, choice of religion, choice of political and labor nuances, social, elementary rights of movement and financial, commercial and business organization.

The EBES guarantees all freedoms and depends on tax collection to redistribute gains equitably at the top and discretionarily at the economic base without creating parasitism, which is the next step in improving the EBES, which has not yet been achieved even in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia and other states that are not declared and recognized for EBES practices, but where there are no charges for medicines, water and electricity consumption, but there is free full schooling, free or partial food and free or subsidized transportation.

Developed urban facilities such as quality public transportation and salaries on multiple scales with a scale of less than five times between the highest and lowest salaries of employees.

The confusion between the wealth of nations and the wealth of people comes from the paradox where a poor country can have billionaires, but a rich country can have a lot of poverty.

The apparent and unexplained paradox is that a richer country has a greater potential to have richer people, but it does not limit or eliminate absolute poverty. On the contrary, rich countries impose a very high barrier for people to access the highest levels of well-being, causing dysfunctional social anomie, as happens with the self-alienated young Japanese hikikomores who hide from society, as well as the suicidal young Swedes and South Koreans, because in order to fit into the rich society of rich countries they need to study for more than 20 years and eliminate their strong competitors to reach the winning social parameter, or be born with an exceptional talent.

In poorer societies, the level of educational capacity required to survive and integrate socially is almost zero in terms of educational requirements and social skills, which makes citizens psychologically more stable and less anxious and without high expectations of social advancement and status in the community in which they live, and logically reduces the experience of the feeling of failure, frustration, defeat and social condemnation collectively and reciprocally.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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