sexta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2024

New evangelization strategy

New evangelization strategy

They begin by seeming to ridicule and mock the Holy Bible; however, it still seems strange that someone would dedicate their life and effort only to contesting the Holy Scriptures, dedicating their mind to studying the Harry Potter books of the Christians, the so-called Holy Bible; I wonder why anyone in their right mind would dedicate themselves to destroying the Holy Scriptures with so much intellectual effort and make it their work tool?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Eureka

Reductio absurdum.

It is the new strategy of spreading biblical teachings while pretending to contest the Scriptures, precisely using a technique from Karl Popper's scientific methodology, the hypothetical-deductive refutational method: squeeze and contest until the opposing arguments express their flaws, thus the object of study survives and becomes at least a peremptory truth until the next temptation; it resurrects the truth from the rubble of criticism and thus establishes a new paradigm.

Well thought out: the false detractors of the Bible have created a tactic in which they start by agreeing on common things with the critics in order to make a sophistic cast and come out with the denial of the denial.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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