sábado, 31 de agosto de 2024

The conquest of the world, the only war

The conquest of the world, the only war

They mix local wars - Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, Serbia, with the global strategy of NATO versus Russia-China, the war that has never ended since the Cold War, like the war in Israel, are part of a single strategy of world domination by the US that has never left Germany with 120 bases since 1945.

Israel has never beaten anyone. In the first six-day war, the US made 6,000 arms supply flights and dumped 40 billion, and the price of oil went from 80 cents to 32 dollars and has never dropped below 60 dollars to this day, and the world paid 32 trillion dollars for the victory of the Jews. If that can be considered a victory, I don't know what defeat is.

Thirty-two trillion dollars was the price that all of humanity paid for the establishment of the state of Israel, because of a prophecy in the Torah, and it is the Muslims who are considered irrational fundamentalists and religious fanatics.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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